The Third Edition of the textbook is updated and extensively rewritten in lucid style providing clear explanation of the following: Broad introduction to the field of mycology. Morphology, taxonomy, ecology, life cycle, pathological relationships and commercial utilization of the fungi. Recent and old classification systems. History of mycology highlighting the significant contributions made by eminent mycologists, both Indian and foreign. Fungal role as plant and human pathogens. Fungal role in biodeterioration, spoilage of foods, as mycotoxins producer and as poisonous mushrooms. Fungal applications emphasizing their role as saprotrophs, in bioremediation, as mycopesticides to control weeds, crop pathogens, plant parasitic nematodes and arthropod pests. Role of fungi in production of foods, beverages, single-cell protein, enzymes, organic acids and antibiotics. Heterothallism, parasexual cycle, sex hormones, physiological specialization, evolutionary tendencies and phylogeny of fungi, and pattern of succession on plant substrates. Each chapter ends with review questions and selected references. This revised edition will serve as invaluable tool for postgraduate, graduate, honours and research students, physicians and teachers of Botany, Plant Pathology, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Environmental Science, Food & Nutrition, Pharmacy and B.Tech, in addition for all who work with or are interested in fungi including lichens, slime molds and yeasts.