About the Book
Introduction to Android™ Application Development, Fifth Edition, is the most useful real-world guide to building robust, commercial-grade Android apps with the new Android 6 (Marshmallow) SDK, Android Studio, and latest development best practices. Bigger, better, and more comprehensive than ever, this book covers everything students need to start developing professional apps for modern Android devices.
Three well-respected experts guide readers through setting up the development environment, designing user interfaces, developing for diverse devices, and optimizing the entire app-development process. Up-to-date code listings support in-depth explanations of key API features, and each chapter contains at least one sample app. This fifth edition adds brand-new chapters on Material Design, styling applications, design patterns, and querying with SQLite. About the Author
Joseph Annuzzi, Jr. is a code warrior, graphic artist, entrepreneur, and author. He usually can be found mastering the Android platform; implementing cutting-edge HTML5 capabilities; leveraging various cloud technologies; speaking in different programming languages; working with diverse frameworks; integrating with various APIs; tinkering with peer-to-peer, cryptography, and biometric algorithms; or creating stunningly realistic 3D renders. He is always on the lookout for disruptive Internet and mobile technologies. He graduated from the University of California, Davis, with a BS in managerial economics and a minor in computer science, and lives where much of the action is, Silicon Valley. When he is not working with technology, he has been known to lounge in the sun on the beaches of the Black Sea with international movie stars; he has trekked through the Bavarian forest in winter, has immersed himself in the culture of the Italian Mediterranean, and has narrowly escaped the wrath of an organized crime ring in Eastern Europe after his taxi dropped him off in front of the bank ATM they were liquidating. He also lives an active and healthy lifestyle, designs and performs custom fitness training routines to stay in shape, and adores his loyal beagle, Cleopatra.
Table of Contents:
Part I: Platform Overview,Chapter 1: Presenting Android ,Chapter 2: Setting Up for Development ,Chapter 3: Creating Your First Application,Part II: Application Basics,Chapter 4: Understanding Application Components,Chapter 5: Defining the Manifest,Chapter 6: Managing Application Resources ,Chapter 7: Exploring Building Blocks ,Chapter 8: Positioning with Layouts ,Chapter 9: Partitioning with Fragments ,Part III: Application Design Essentials,Chapter 10: Architecting with Patterns ,Chapter 11: Appealing with Style,Chapter 12: Embracing Material Design ,Chapter 13: Designing Compatible Applications,Part IV: Application Development Essentials,Chapter 14: Using Android Preferences ,Chapter 15: Accessing Files and Directories ,Chapter 16: Saving with SQLite ,Chapter 17: Leveraging Content Providers ,Part V: Application Delivery Essentials,Chapter 18: Learning the Development Workflow ,Chapter 19: Planning the Experience,Chapter 20: Delivering Quality Applications,Chapter 21: Testing Your Applications ,Chapter 22: Distributing Your Applications ,Part VI: Appendixes,Appendix A: Tips and Tricks: Android Studio ,Appendix B: Quick-Start: Android Emulator , Appendix C: Quick-Start: Android Device Monitor, Appendix D: Mastery: Android SDK Tools ,Appendix E: Quick-Start: Gradle Build System,