An internationally best-selling, conceptual introduction to the TCP/IP protocols and Internetworking, this book interweaves a clear discussion of fundamentals and scientific principles with details and examples drawn from the latest technologies. The author covers layering and packet formats for all the Internet protocols, including TCP, IPv4, IPv6, DHCP, and DNS. In addition, the text explains new trends in Internet systems, including packet classification, Software Defined Networking (SDN), and mesh protocols used in The Internet of Things.
The text is appropriate for individuals interested in learning more about TCP/IP protocols, Internet architecture, and current networking technologies, as well as engineers who build network systems. It is suitable for undergraduate students of Computer Science and Engineering for their courses in Computer Networks, Data Networks, Network Protocols, and Internetworking.
New to This Edition
• A new chapter on the Internet of Things considers the use of TCP/IP in a wireless sensor network.
• A new chapter on Software Defined Networking examines the use of OpenFlow which, although is not an IETF standard, has become an important part of network and Internet management.
• Each chapter has been updated to focus on ideas and technologies that are now being used in the Internet.
• The most significant change consists of integrating the IPv6 discussion with that of IPv4 as it is impossible to understand the changes introduced by IPv6 without understanding IPv4.
About the AuthorDouglas E. Comer, Distinguished Professor of Computer Science at Purdue University and former VP of Research at Cisco.