About the Book
Table of Cases Reported; I. Decisions by International Tribunals: Malone Case (Decision) [European Court of Human Rights] (1983), Malone Case (Merits) [European Court of Human Rights] (1984), Rainbow Warrior (new Zealand v. France) [United Nations, Secretary General] (1986), II. Decisions of Mutual Courts: James Buchanan and Co. Ltd. v. Babco Forwarding and Shipping (U.K.) Ltd. (Court Appeal) [England (1976), James Buchanan and Co. Ltd. v. Babco Forwarding and Shipping (U.K.) Ltd. (House of Lords) [England (1977), Ulster-Swift Ltd. and Another v. Taunton Meat Haulage Ltd., Fransen Transport NV (Third Party) [England (1977), Fothergill v. Monarch Airlines Ltd. (Court of Appeal) [England (1979), Malone v. Metropolitan Police Commissioner (No. 2) [England (1979), Quazi v. Quazi [England (1979), Spinney's (1948) Ltd. and Others v. Royal Insurance Co. Ltd. [England (1979), Fothergill v. Monarch Airlines Ltd. (House of Lords) [England (1980), Reel v Holder and Another [England] (1981), Alcom Ltd v. Republic of Colombia (Court of Appeal) [England] (1983), British Airways Board v. Laker Airways Ltd. and Another (Court of Appeal) [England] (1983), Alcom Ltd v. Republic of Colombia (House of Lords) [England] (1984), British Airways Board v. Laker Airways Ltd. and Another (House of Lords) [England] (1984), In re Nielsen [England] (1984), Caravan Site Case [Federal Republic of Germany] (1973), French National Compensation Case [Federal Republic of Germany] (1973), Spanish National Residence Permit Case [Federal Republic of Germany] (1973), Greek National Business Licence Case [Federal Republic of Germany] (1974), Greek Seamstress Residence Permit Case [Federal Republic of Germany] (1974), Polish Priest Compensation Case [Federal Republic of Germany] (1974), Yugoslav Refugee Naturalisation Case [Federal Republic of Germany] (1974), Czech Refugee Asylum Case [Federal Republic of Germany] (1974), Czech Refugee Naturalisation Case [Federal Republic of Germany] (1974), Procedural Rights of Aliens Case [Federal Republic of Germany] (1976), Universal Jurisdiction over Drug Offences Case [Federal Republic of Germany] (1976), 'Baader-Meinhof' Group Terrorist Case [Federal Republic of Germany] (1977), Oil Tanker Officer Tax Liability Case [Federal Republic of Germany] (1977), West Berlin Escape Contract Case [Federal Republic of Germany] (1977), Yugoslav Terrorism Case (1) [Federal Republic of Germany] (1978), ), Yugoslav Terrorism Case (2) [Federal Republic of Germany] (1978), Agent Judiciare du Trésor v. Humbert [France] (1973), Stroganoff-Scherbatoff v. Bensimon and Others [France] (1973), In re P.S. [France] (1975), Law on the Voluntary Termination of Pregnancy [France] (1975), Law relating to the Consequences of the Self-determination of the Comoros Islands [France] (1975), Minister of Interior v. Pardov [France] (1975), Paris de Bollardière and Others [France] (1975), Agent Judiciare du Trésor v. Fauran et Société de financement industriel et commercial [France] (1976), Direct Elections to European Assembly [France] (1976), Glaeser [France] (1976), Minister of Foreign Affairs v. Burgat and Others [France] (1976), Abu Daoud [France] (1977), Arandia Irazusta [France] (1977), Aranguren Mugica [France] (1977), Beaubier v. ASECNA [France] (1977), Echegaray Gastearma [France] (1977), Echeverria Clemente [France] (1977), Guruchaga Ispurura [France] (1977), Moinafatima M'madi [France] (1977), Pagoaga Gallastegui v. Minister of the Interior [France] (1977), Perregaux [France] (1977), Reinald v. OFPRA [France] (1977), Shaik v. OFPRA [France] (1977) Uria Guereca Ozamiz [France] (1977), Wiesner v. OFPRA [France] (1977), Auguste [France] (1978), Baroum [France] (1978), Bellaton v. ESRO [France] (1978), Coulon [France] (1978), Croissant [France] (1978), Law Authorising an Increase in the French Quota to the International Monetary Fund [France] (197