This loose-leaf contains the same content and pagination as the casebook edition of International Law: Norms, Actors, Process: A Problem- Oriented Approach, Dunoff, 9780735589179. *These loose-leaf pages are 3 -hole punched, collated, and in shrink wrap, but the pages are not sold in a binder nor are they binded together in any way.* For a limited time, students will receive a digital version of the casebook with their loose-leaf purchase. Note that the digital access will arrive physically with the loose-leaf book, via a unique promotion code. You will not receive the access until you receive the loose-leaf.
International Law: Norms, Actors, Process: A Problem-Oriented Approach, now in its Third Edition, uses an interdisciplinary approach and real-world problems to illustrate the law in action and encourage students to think more deeply about global events. Leading students from basic to advanced topics, this distinguished author team combines a discussion of doctrine with insights from political science and other fields to create a dynamic and contemporary study of International Law.
A stimulating and manageable text for professors and students, International Law: Norms, Actors, Process: A Problem-Oriented Approach features:
- real-life problems that illustrate the reach and limit of the law in practice and engage students in the subject, with such topics as
- war crimes
- extraterritorial jurisdiction
- climate change
- comprehensive, timely, and balanced coverage that focuses on traditional and non-traditional law making processes, including the roles of non-governmental organizations (NGOs), corporations, government officials and international bodies
- a flexible and logical organization
- a concise introduction to the history of international law
- a wealth of interdisciplinary materials
- a clear and straightforward writing style
- a detailed Teacherand#8217;s Manual with sample syllabus
- an author website that provides additional documents, updates, and related links
Updated throughout, the Third Edition provides:
- expanded coverage of counter-terrorism strategies
- international decisions addressing the legality of Security Council sanctions
- recent US Supreme Court cases deciding on the effect of international treaties in US domestic law
Taking the problem approach one step furtherand#8212;using compelling real-life problemsand#8212;authors Jeffrey L. Dunoff, Steven R. Ratner, and David Wippman offer an exciting pedagogical approach that is as engaging as it is informative.
*Teacher's Manuals are a professional courtesy offered to professors only. For more information or to request a copy, please contact Aspen Publishers at 800-950-5259 or