International Business and Management provides scholars and libraries with a focused coverage of the most widely cited and theoretically important articles in the international business field.
The Four-Volume Set is based on an extensive analysis of the literature of the discipline and contains both classics and more recent work that has proven its seminal value to the researcher.
These seminal articles cover a range from theoretical to empirical, and include work from authors such as Adler, Bartlett, Boddewyn, Buckley, Child, Douglas, Doz, Dunning, Ghoshal, Hamel, Hofstede, Kerr, Kobrin, Kogut, Oberg, Porter, Pugh, Shapiro, Solnik, Triandis, Vernon, Wells, Zeira and many others.
Each volume focuses on both general issues such as internationalization, strategy and culture and on specific functional disciplines such as government relations, ethics, operations management, international finance, human resources management and marketing.
Derek Pugh and Allan Plath who provide an overview of the field, introduce the set. They trace the development of the discipline and explain the rationale behind the selection of the articles. Additionally, each volume in the set includes an instructive essay discussing the works covered in greater depth. These informative essays show how the articles in the volume fit into and contribute to the development of the practical and theoretical debates in the field.
This major reference, organized to ensure comprehensive coverage of the essential issues in the discipline, is the definitive resource for students, researchers and academics interested in all aspects of international business and management.