Why would you try intermittent fasting at 50?
You are tired of carrying on.
As the years go by, you end up with a few extra pounds without doing anything special.
Your body is merely changing, but you do not change your habits.
Therefore, at first, you tried all possible diets, but you could not maintain those habits after the first results in the long run.
Besides, the food restriction that has always characterized every diet forced you to sacrifice that you could never tolerate in the long run.
After years of tried diets, you have finally discovered the practice of intermittent fasting.
Alternative to the usual diet is a lifestyle for calorie restriction benefits to the body and mind. It does not mean having to starve to death but limiting food consumption to a few hours of the day.
This guide describes completely and exhaustively everything you could learn about intermittent fasting for women after 50; it will be a source of inspiration for you to address healthily a historical moment that risks driving you crazy. Loving your body by taking care of it can be a remedy, and the positive effects will be tangible even on the mind.
In this book, you will:
- Clearly Understand What Fasting Is and why it is recommended for the woman after 50 to boost your weight loss even after the 50s, giving you a new juvenile aspect.
- Discover all The Benefits of Fasting for Women over 50, starting with, you do not need to count calories because you can eat whatever you want.
- Learn How Fasting Can Rejuvenate Your Mind and Body by purifying your body from toxins and forcing cells into processes that are not usually stimulated when a constant fuel flow from food is always present.
- Have in Your hands a Complete and Exhaustive Section of Delicious, Yummy, and Tasty Recipes to Eat When Practicing Intermittent Fasting, provided with all the necessary instructions to make you cook more manageable and healthier, knowing precisely what to do, when, how.
- Find Useful Tricks And Tips For Staying Healthy After 50. Learn more about your body and how to maintain optimal health at every age than ever before.
Intermittent fasting is one of the latest weight-loss trends.
It cannot be considered an actual diet, in effect, because it alternates moments in which it is allowed to eat with moments in which it is better to stay fast.
Would you like to understand better what Intermittent Fasting Is?
Are you trying to lose weight, rejuvenate, and restore the vigor of younger years?
Reading this book, you will learn how to get your energy and vitality back, even if you thought it was impossible after the 50s!
If you're ready to do something that's specifically designed for where you are at this stage of life and want to lose weight the right way. You are worth the investment, all you need is the knowledge to achieve what you want.