How much time require to get first results?
How much weight I can lose?
What kind of meals I should have?
Well, keep reading...
There are many methods outside there and its conventional wisdom that what you eat MUST be healthy and functional, especially when you are dieting you cannot eat whatever you want.
Well, but here we are talking about fasting and all these beliefs are quite correct.
Do you remember the name? "intermittent fasting". That means eat at a certain time then stop.
That is not include how many carbs or proteins.
If so, why should I need a meals plan? I can eat what I want
Of course, that is not recommended you can get more results with a sequence of meals
What you are going to get here:
1. 21 meals plan
2. Bonus method to lose up to 11 pounds in less than 13 days
3. What are the right exercises to achieve the results?
4. DIscover the what kind of foods you have to avoid if you want get results fast
5. The benefits you an get from the entire process (not only losing weight )
Intermittent fasting is being very popular because it's not a hard diet like for example: paleo
But its' structured to get easy and fast for everyone having results in a short time.
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