How do you maintain your metabolic rate while fasting? What workouts are safe for you while you're in ketosis? What if you have a personal trainer by your side whispering these answers straight into your ears any time you want and any where you are? Get ready, because this is the world's first ever workout audio guide that can make you look professional in the gym and phenomenal when you're out in town.
A professional personal trainer has specially created the Triple Threat Workouts for people who are on the Keto Diet and doing Intermittent fasting. Yara Guillard has used this exact formula on her real-life clients and has reaped massive results over the years of her profession.
These Keto Diet and intermittent fasting friendly workouts are achievable regardless of your fitness level because it's focused on quality and not quantity. You will not only be working out and losing weight, you will be doing it the right way and keeping your body safe.
How many times have we heard of people having exercise-induced injuries? Instead of getting fit, they are getting hurt. You want a guide by your side, with 24/7 support, at your beck and call, helping you stay on track.
Here's a sneak peek inside this book:
- 12 full-body Triple Threat Workouts
- Detailed and guided instructional demos on each and every exercise laid out in this book.
- The 3 special ingredients to the Triple Threat Workouts
- 5 Tips to make the best use of this guided workouts book
- All the things to look out for; highlighting the common mistakes people make while exercising
*As a bonus, you'll also get "Be A Holistic Healing Heroine With Intermittent Fasting and Keto Diet - A Weight Loss System For Women: Reset Your Health & Help Someone Out" as a supplementary material to boost your Holistic Healing journey. After all, it is 80% diet and 20% exercise.
In this bonus book, you'll discover:
- The exact food groups you need to consume and avoid in order to stay in ketosis.
- 2 of Yara's favorite Keto-approved recipes so you don't have to worry about your first week on the Keto Diet.
- A priceless cumulation of learnings from 4 years of Yara's personal trainer experiences to keep you on track in your healing journey.
- 8 fool-proof tips for eating out so your social life doesn't have to take a massive hit.
And many more...
You don't have to exhaust yourself to get a good workout. With the Triple Threat Workouts, you can get the optimum amount of exercise and still have brimming energy the next day in the office and kill it at work.
So DON'T leave that 20% on the table when it can be easily achieved with the help of this specially created book.
Even if you don't have any exercise equipment or a lot of time to extract out of your busy schedule, the Triple Threat Workouts will hold you by your hand and make working out a breeze.
Furthermore, Yara has hand-picked the best wellness habits from both the Keto Diet and Intermittent fasting and organized them into a simple yet effective Holistic Healing System that has plenty of practical tools and knowledge to help you reach whatever health and fitness goals you have.
So many people are singing the praises of intermittent fasting and keto these days, you definitely want to get on board. But now, you have the added advantage of Yara's expert advice from her personal experiences and the most significant benefits she has seen from her real-life clients.
If you're ready to lose weight the smart and safe way, then scroll up and click the "Add to Cart" Button right now.