Want to lose weight quickly and detoxify your body without feeling like a diet? Would you like to have more energy during the day? Then keep reading...Do not underestimate the importance of fasting in causing a positive effect on the duration and performance of your life.
If you are overweight and have a high body fat percentage, you are going to like the first week since you will see a change in the scale readings. More importantly, you will feel better and sleep better, with the help of regular exercise. It will do so much more than make you look slimmer and feel safer. This will help you detoxify your body and lead a healthy life.
This guide will focus on the following:
- History of intermittent fasting
- Various intermittent fasting protocols
- Intermittent fasting versus other diets
- Intermittent fasting and women's health
- Way to achieve autophagy
- Starting & sticking to the program's proper performances
- A powerful tool for weight loss and diabetes
- Intermittent fasting and the keto diet
- How to get the most out of your fasts
- How to stay motivated when fasting
- Secrets to a successful fast and changing habits
- Hacks to success
faqs intermittent fasting... AND MORE!
It takes some determination and dedication to make any healthy lifestyle shift. The healthy diet of whole foods can be intimidating, particularly when it comes to Western diet typical foods and fast foods and sugar-loaded treatments. However, after a few weeks intermittent fasting will bring big changes in your life such your energy, how you think about yourself, and change your body. Many people report having a lot of energy and focus only a week or two in fasting.
So, when you feel tempted by old eating habits or the occasional craving, grab a healthy snack and reread the tips on motivation that are in this book. Remember why you do this and celebrate the manner you look and feel can give that boosts you need to get over any bumps on the path to improved wellness.
Begin with slowly, simply and gradually. There is no rush if you decide you would like to try intermittent fasting. Try and see how it is working for you.
If you can't wait to finally start losing weight while living a healthy life, to combine intermittent fasting and autophagy is the solution for you.