There are strategies that have been proven effective for long-term weight loss.
When you follow a well-planned strategy, you will be able to lose weight safely (losing weight too quickly is harmful)--and you will be able to keep that weight off for the years to come, as long as you make sure you implement an appropriate healthy lifestyle habit and continue to follow them
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One particular strategy that has become popular among people who are trying to live a healthier life and lose weight at the same time is the intermittent fasting.
Even though, scientific studies have yielded evidence that has proven intermittent fasting to be an effective weight-loss tool, it should also be noted that not planning an appropriate strategy and implementing a meal plan that focuses on weight loss will not yield the results that you might be aiming for.
The reason you have picked up this book is probably because you have tried multiple diets and found that the success rate is often not something to be desired. It's true--most of the diets out there fail. Many of these diets do not only fail but causes complications once you stop following the program. For many people, extra weight gain is a very unpleasant complication that they suffer after they have undergone a diet program.
Intermittent fasting consists of a dieter cycling between periods when they are allowed to eat and periods where they are supposed to fast. This type of diet doesn't necessarily say which foods you can eat, but specifies when you should eat. Of course, if you want to lose weight or get a better health, it is better to eat foods that are good for you and nutritious. However, with intermittent fasting, it's not going to specifically list out which foods you can and cannot have.
The main thing to remember is that when you are in the fasting period, you are not allowed to eat. You can still drink beverages to keep you hydrated. Some of the options include tea, coffee, water, and other non-caloric beverages. Some forms of this fast will allow for a bit of food during the fasting periods, but most don't. And if you like, it is usually fine to take a supplement while you are on this fast, as long as it doesn't contain calories.
Here is a preview of what you will learn:
-A Quick Overview of the 16:8 Intermittent Fasting Method
-Why it is important to maintain a healthy weight Infectious emotion and why our modern diet is wrong
-Benefits of 16:8 Intermittent fasting
And Much More...
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