About the Book
Editorial Reviews - Instruments of Torture by Era From the Publisher Chapters: Ancient Instruments of Torture, Contemporary Instruments of Torture, Medieval Instruments of Torture, Modern Instruments of Torture, Breaking Wheel, Waterboarding, Hooding, Pillory, Iron Maiden, Strappado, Parrilla, Choke Pear, Boot, Carding, Scold's Bridle, Violet Wand, Stocks, Rack, Picana, Scaphism, Apega of Nabis, Brazen Bull, Pau de Arara, Box, Scavenger's Daughter, Judas Cradle, Schwedentrunk, Shrew's Fiddle, Tucker Telephone, Heretic's Fork, Wooden Horse, Jougs, Schandmantel, Thumbscrew, Picquet, Duke of Exeter's Daughter, Tramp Chair, Riding the Rail, Tablilla, Torture Museums, Kia Quen, Crocodile Shears, Pranger, Whirligig, Tean Zu, Coffin, Instep Borer, Knee Splitter, Catapelta, Spanish Tickler, Electric Carpet, Alfet. Excerpt: Waterboarding is a form of torture that consists of immobilizing the subject on his/her back with the head inclined downwards; water is then poured over the face into breathing passages, thus triggering the mammalian diving reflex causing the captive to experience the sensations of drowning. In contrast to submerging the head face-forward in water, waterboarding precipitates an almost immediate gag reflex. It can cause extreme pain, dry drowning, damage to lungs, brain damage from oxygen deprivation, other physical injuries including broken bones due to struggling against restraints, lasting psychological damage or, if uninterrupted, death. Adverse physical consequences can manifest themselves months after the event, while psychological effects can last for years. The term waterboarding was coined in 2004. In 2007 it was reported that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the U.S. intelligence service, was using waterboarding on extrajudicial prisoners and that the Department of Justice had authorized the p... More: http://booksllc.net/?id=747573 Synopsis Chapters: Ancient Instruments of Torture, Contemporary Instruments of Tor