About the Book
The Instruments - Measuring Electrical Currents World Summary Paperback Edition provides 7 years of Historic & Current data on the market in up to 100 countries. The Aggregated market comprises of the 56 Products / Services listed. The Products and Markets covered (Instruments for measuring electrical currents) are classified by the Major Products and then further defined by each subsidiary Product or Market Sector. In addition full Financial Data (188 items: Historic & Current Balance Sheet, Financial Margins and Ratios) Data is provided for about 100 countries. Total Market Values are given for 56 Products/Services covered, including: INSTRUMENTS - MEASURING ELECTRICAL CURRENTS 1. Instruments for measuring electrical currents 2. Ammeters, digital 3. Ammeters, milliammeters & nanoammeters 4. Ammeters, milliammeters, RF 5. Ammeters, thermocouple 6. Ampere-hour meters 7. Components & accessories for galvanometers 8. Contact meters, alarm actuating meters 9. Electricity metering panels for cogeneration systems 10. Electricity meters 11. Electricity meters, remote reading 12. Electricity meters, smart 13. Electrometers 14. Electrometers, attracted disc 15. Electrometers, quadrant type 16. Electrometers, vibrating reed 17. Electron multipliers 18. Electroscopes 19. Galvanometers 20. Galvanometers, moving magnet 21. Galvanometers, pointer 22. Galvanometers, tangent 23. Galvanometers, tape or wire 24. Galvanometers, vibration 25. Instrument shunts 26. Instrument shunts, laboratory standard 27. Kilovoltmeters 28. Millivoltmeters, astatic 29. Modulators, electrical measurement, choppers 30. Multimeters, analog or digital 31. Oscillographs 32. Oscilloscope trace doublers 33. Oscilloscopes 34. Partial discharge measuring equipment 35. Power meters, wattmeters, AF 36. Power meters, wattmeters, UHF 37. Ratio meters 38. Torsion indicators, electrical 39. Valve voltmeters 40. Vector voltmeters 41. Voltammeters 42. Voltmeters & millivoltmeters 43. Voltmeters, astatic 44. Voltmeters, battery testing 45. Voltmeters, digital 46. Voltmeters, electrostatic 47. Voltmeters, high resistance 48. Voltmeters, permanent magnet 49. Voltmeters, pitch & contact, for power stations & substations 50. Voltmeters, rectifier 51. Voltmeters, selective 52. Voltmeters, thermocouple 53. Wattmeters & milliwatmeters 54. Wattmeters for radio frequency (RF) 55. Wattmeters, electrodynamic 56. Wattmeters, induction 57. Instruments for measuring electrical currents, nsk There are 188 Financial items covered, including: Total Sales, Pre-tax Profit, Interest Paid, Non-trading Income, Operating Profit, Depreciation, Trading Profit, Assets (Intangible, Intermediate + Fixed), Capital Expenditure, Retirements, Stocks, Total Stocks / Inventory, Debtors, Maintenance Costs, Services Purchased, Current Assets, Total Assets, Creditors, Loans, Current Liabilities, Net Assets / Capital Employed, Shareholders Funds, Employees, Process Costs, Total Input Supplies / Materials + Energy Costs, Employees Remunerations, Sub Contractors, Rental & Leasing, Maintenance, Communication, Expenses, Sales Costs + Expenses, Premises, Handling + Physical Costs, Distribution Costs, Advertising Costs, Product Costs, Customer + After-Sales Costs, Marketing Costs, New Technology + Production, R + D Expenditure, Operational Costs. /.. etc.