About the Book
Inspirations of the Heart has been one of the most profound works that I have ever embarked upon, it started out as a simple way to express how I was doing after a long battle with cancer, back then it was called something else. Over the course of the years, I have seen a dramatical increase in my faith, because of this line of works and study, I have seen and increase in my abilities to teach effectively the word of God, as well as other things that are common to the work place. When I first began to do this book, I was under a harsh dark cloud of despair, i know, no man of God should ever go there right? Listen, just because I am a Man after the heart of God, does not mean that there will not be challenges along the way. The big thing that happened was my First wife passed away while I was writing this book, my current wife is still living, and I am so pleased about that. What then is faith that it should not, or could not be overshadowed by regret? Truth is, it can be if we allow it to be, that is one of the fifty reasons I wrote this book and over one hundred others. This is actually my 124th Published work, and that is just over six years of publishing books, does that mean I am super smart? No, it means that the Holy Spirit has been very, very busy working through my life.The Air We Breathe, have you ever really thought about the air that is all around you each and every single day? Did it ever occur to you that, if God were to simply take back His air, we would all be doomed? In the beginning, God gave a lump of clay His air, and that clay became a living being, the air then belongs to God, not us, we then belong to God, we are not our own, even before Christ the Lord went up on that cross, we have always been a part of God, even if we have decided to reject Him as Lord over our lives.
About the Author: My name is Ollie Fobbs. At present, I live in the State of North Carolina in Winston Salem, my wife LaVonia and I, have a great life that we lead, we celebrate the Lord with Winston Salem's First Assembly of God, on University Parkway. Our plans are to build a Church somewhere in the city. Our immediate families all live elsewhere, most of her family lives in Liberty North Carolina, while most of mine lives in Richmond Virginia. We have one son, that goes by the name of Andy Reid, and Drucyde Graves, he also lives in Richmond, he has three daughters. I have three brothers, that too live in Richmond Virginia, they are Michael, Tommy, and Robert, my Mom, Jennie, also lives there. My sister, Sherry, passed a few years ago, and my dad passed a couple years before she did. Life is good, I have absolutely no complaints, I know what my life had going for it before the miracle appeared in my life, I was in the dark seriously, I was abandoned in faith, and in hope, ii was lost and locked out of life, and in general, I had cast my soul to the pits of hopelessness, even though, I had the call of God on my life. See, I heard a song one time, where the song writer said; it was in that time, when God should have cut me off, hey, listen, I know that you've been good all your little lives, but that ain't my testimony, when I should have been cut off, God had mercy, and he lifted me out of my despair. The words of Minister Fred Hammond. See, that is where I was, that was what I had going on, it was in that time, in that season, that I learned something about me that changed everything, and since coming into that season, every church except one, has blocked me from teaching in their pulpits, and that was the ministry of Bishop Louise Neal, in Greensboro North Carolina. I am convinced that God is about to make a divine drop on his people, and it is coming faster than we know, or expect, we think that god is waiting for a certain thing to happen, no, God can come back whenever he gets ready, whether we are ready or not. I am a Graduate of Armstrong High School of Richmond Virginia, I am also a Graduate of Grace Bible College, of India, and I attended several other Bible Colleges in Richmond Virginia, and in Germany while I was in the Military. The best that I can tell you is, God is Good, He has saved me through 3 courses of cancer, 3 heart attacks, and 5 strokes, by medical standards, I should be totally disabled, but this is not the case, I am healed, and loving life.