Relationships are hard. That's a common truth.You might think that learning how to spend large amounts of time with another person, perhaps live with another person, and co-exist beside another person would be easy, after all, we're all human, right? Wrong.
Learning how to compromise, communicate, overcome conflict, express your emotions, and trust is extremely difficult. We're not born to be in relationships naturally, it's something we have to adapt and learn.
You might think that we're making the world of love sounds like a course you need to take at college, with a rather tough exam at the end, but ask yourself this - if relationships were easy, would be talking about them all the time? Would there be so many glossy magazines with articles dedicated to them? Would we have chat shows bemoaning relationship issues?
No, we would simply allow relationships to fit into our lives, perhaps in the same way that we do with Netflix.
A successful relationship takes hard work, compromise, and trust, but those three things aren't easy to come by in this day and age. The number of couples with trust issues is staggering, and that could be down to former infidelity or simple paranoia because of the amount of social media use by one side of the partnership.
No, relationships aren't easy, but they're more than worth the hard work.
This book is called "Insecure in Love" and we're going to take you on a journey into the deep, inner workings of relationships.
If you're someone who finds love hard, worry no more. You're not alone, and you're certainly not in the minority. It's important to be comfortable, yourself, secure and happy in any relationship that you enter into, but come on, that's easier said than done!
This book is going to highlight some of the biggest issues which have the potential to ruin relationships in the modern day, all centring around anxiety in a relationship setting.
Love is supposed to be calm, happy, and uplifting, but for some reason, it is so riddled with anxiety problems that it can become a chore, every single day you're with that person.
If you want to rid yourself of relationship anxiety, the first step is recognizing where it's coming from and acknowledging that it is playing a part in your life.
The road towards happiness and security in love starts with yourself. Nobody can fix a problem for you, but we can help you identify where the issue comes from and give you the best advice to overcome it.
We're not going to preach, we're not going to judge, and we're not going to tell you that with a little hard thinking you can fix any problem that comes your way. What we are going to do is show you that the future can be a lot brighter than it is now, and you can find your way towards a happy, healthy, and secure relationship in the very near future.