Infinite Journey is an invitation to gently embrace the mindset shifts that empower more joy, more peace and higher levels of satisfaction and success in all areas of life. Shifting perspectives can transform your experience of life from one of chaos and confusion to one of connection, resilience, and optimism.
The authors integrate best practices from several coaching modalities and psychology research in order to bring powerful strategies to readers for navigating the most challenging life terrains with confidence and optimism. They draw on concepts from both spiritual and semantic traditions that have proven to have forward moving potential in the structures of business, philanthropy, family, and corporate group dynamics. These principles also serve individuals simply seeking a more fulfilling path towards contributing to the creation of a better world.
The dynamic world circumstances of uncertainty, social upheaval, and chaos often bring confusing challenges to our sense of clarity and purpose. Amidst a plethora of options for coping, there are simple ways of maintaining direction and focus even as distractions rise around us. The strategies shared in this book draw from the fields of professional coaching, positive psychology and spirituality with universal principles that transcend any specific assignment.
Infinite Journey takes readers on a trip through 4 concepts, or principles, of Inspired Living. They are the principles of Curiosity, Clarity, Courage and Congruence. Each principle is expanded with 6 different associated qualities that serve to build skills for incorporating these principles into one's way of being. The authors have infused each chapter with courageous stories, inspiring quotes, and fun exercises to enliven and support the journey. A rich and diverse resource section allows for further discovery as concepts are explored.
Readers are encouraged to embrace a notion of travelling with others, thus moving from a comparative perspective about life to a more generous collaborative one. As we embrace this perspective, a quality of synergism begins to develop along with fresh creative strategies that are inclusive, less judgmental, and infinitely more satisfying.
Letting go of the construct of a game, with rules, boundaries, limitations, successes, and failures, allows for the emergence of new dynamics to play with. The authors challenge us to explore the realm of "what else is possible" with no constraints impeding the process of discovery. Curiosity becomes infused with courage as the point of the journey becomes to "see what comes next". Energy can be put into clarification of values so that choices can be made from a place that serves to strengthen the soul and enable joy in greeting the challenges that appear along the way.
In the midst of the interesting times of modern living, this process, while it requires focus and effort, can also bring relief as coping skills increase and ease of experience emerges.
This is a book that will be easy to incorporate into a book club adventure or group training experience and which will expand participants' sense of possibility and hope. It is one which you will find yourself referring back to frequently and sharing with those around you.