An Inductive Study of the Holy Spirit provides a study of what the Holy Spirit does directly and indirectly in Scripture.
It is parsed grammatically to break the verses down into small chunks that are digestible.
It's written in business language, so everyone can understand it.
We say that our theology is based on Scripture, but how sure are we when we have only looked at a small percentage of the verses on a given topic, like the Holy Spirit?
It is the only book author Harry L. Brewer knows that has all 300+ verses referring to the Holy Spirit. This study was performed in Hebrew and Greek, then translated in a grammatically accurate manner into English.
This study serves as the Biblical basis for other studies on the Holy Spirit by pastors, teachers and theologians. Now they can confirm that they are consistent with Scripture and not contradicting it.
About the Author
Harry L. Brewer has been involved in churches and local Bible studies all his life. He also spent ten years in Messianic Synagogues to understand the Jewish roots of our faith.
Brewer enjoys studying his Bible in Hebrew and Greek. He also enjoys beaches, quiet dinners, and good food.
He has been involved in aerospace programs, so he is interested in air and space vehicles.
Brewer has two children and ten grandchildren that he enjoys and needs to visit more often.
He has a BA in Biblical Studies from Biola University and has taken graduate seminary courses, including Hebrew and Greek.