1. Gabrielle Jamela Hosein and Lisa Outar, "Introduction: Interrogating an Indo-Caribbean Feminist Epistemology"
Part 1: Tracing the Emergence of Indo-Caribbean Feminist Perspectives
2. Patricia Mohammed, "A Vindication for Indo-Caribbean Feminism"
3. Preeia D. Surajbali, "Indo-Caribbean Feminist Epistemology: A Personal and Scholarly Journey"
4. Andil Gosine, "My Mother's Baby: Wrecking Work after Indentureship"
Part 2: Transgressive Storytelling
5. Alison Klein, "'Seeing Greater Distances': An Interview with Peggy Mohan on the Voyages of Indo-Caribbean Women"
6. Anita Baksh, "Indentureship, Land, and Indo-Caribbean Feminist Thought in the Literature of Rajkumari Singh and Mahadai Das"
7. Lisa Outar, "Post-Indentureship Cosmopolitan Feminism: Indo-Caribbean and Indo-Mauritian Women's Writing and the Public Sphere"
8. Tuli Chatterji, "'Mini Death and a Rebirth': Talking the Crossing in Shani Mootoo's Moving Forward Sideways Like a Crab"
Part 3: Art, Archives and Cultural Practices
9. Kavita Ashana Singh, "Comparative Caribbean Feminisms: Jahaji Bhain in Carnival"
10. Krystal Nandini Ghisyawan, "Unsettling the Politics of Identity and Sexuality Among Same-Sex Loving Indo-Trinidadian Women"
11. Angelique V. Nixon, "Seeing Difference: Visual Feminist Praxis, Identity and Desire in Indo-Caribbean Women's Art and Knowledge"
12. Lisa Outar, "Art, Violence and Non-Return: An Interview with Guadeloupean Artist Kelly Sinnapah Mary"
Part 4: Dougla Feminisms
Gabrielle Jamela Hosein, "Dougla Poetics and Politics in Indian Feminist Thought: Reflection and Reconceptualization"
14. Sue Ann Barratt, "Nicki Minaj, Indian In/Visibility and the Paradox of Dougla Feminism" 15. Kaneesha Cherelle Parsard, "Cutlass: Objects Toward a Dougla Feminist Theory of Representation"
Part 5: New Masculinities and Femininities
16. Rhoda Reddock, "Indo-Caribbean Masculinities and Indo-Caribbean Feminisms: Where are We Now?"
17. Michael Niblett, "Belaboring Masculinity: Ecology, Work, and the Body in Michel Ponnamah's Dérive de Josaphat"
18. Stephanie L. Jackson, "From Stigma to Shakti: The Politics of Indo-Guyanese Women's Trance and the Transformative Potentials of Ecstatic Goddess Worship in New York City"
Shalini Puri
Shivanee M. Ramlochan
Notes on Contributors