Whether you're an experienced designer using InDesign at a fairly advanced level or a desktop publishing beginner new to InDesign-or making the transition from QuarkXPress-you'll find InDesign Production Cookbook chock-full of practical information, with quick solutions to real-world layout challenges. The book covers the very latest features in Adobe InDesign CS2 for Windows and Macintosh, including tips on using the program with Bridge within Adobe Creative Suite 2.
Unlike the traditional bible approach to learning new software, InDesign Production Cookbook's unique combination of concise explanations, expert tips, and practical recipes will bring new users up to speed quickly, while providing more seasoned professionals with the information they need to complete specific tasks on the run.
The book covers:
- handling typography, including customization and special effects
- working with photographs and illustrations
- using InDesign's art tools to create illustrations
- formatting tables
- applying color and transparency effects
- building multi-page documents
- creating indexes and tables of contents
- making interactive multimedia eBooks
- InDesign style tagging
There's even a chapter specifically for QuarkXPress users making the switch to Adobe InDesign, showing where you will find familiar tools and commands in the new program.
Packed with step-by-step instructions, hundreds of full-color examples, and authoritative information and advice, InDesign Cookbook is the ultimate, no-nonsense production guide for every InDesign user.
About the Author: Alistair Dabbs is a regular contributor and contributor to various computer and graphic arts magazines, writing on topics related to digital imaging and computer arts. He is an experienced trainer and an Adobe Certified Expert in Adobe InDesign.
Anne-Marie Concepci n owns Chicago-based Seneca Design & Training (www.senecadesign.com), a cross-media design studio and certified Adobe training provider. Anne-Marie has taught InDesign and InCopy to hundreds of clients across the country via on-site training and her popular seminars at the InDesign and Creative Suite Conferences. She is the co-author of InDesign CS/CS2 Breakthroughs (with David Blatner, 2005 Peachpit Press) and publishes DesignGeek, a free tips and tricks e-zine for digital designers.
Ken McMahon runs Pelican Graphics, a digital design consultancy specializing in design and artwork production for print media and the web. He currently writes for Personal Computer World, Mac User and PC Pro in the UK. He is the author of Paintshop Pro 9 for Photographers.
Keith Martin is a trained graphic designer with experience in print, photography, and all forms of electronic design. He has used Macs since 1986, and started creating multimedia productions in 1989. He first started experimenting with Web design in 1993, and is constantly thankful for today's visual Web page design tools. He is Macuser magazine's technical editor, and the author of Web Expert: Color and the Haynes Mac Manual. He lives online and in South London, and spends his spare time making custom software, creating Web sites and discussing interface design, advising and lecturing at his old college - the London College of Printing - and practicing off-road unicycling with his sons.