About the Book
There is always a need for slaves - someone to do the dirty work, and not get paid. In days past, and in the future, societies will find a way to 'get something for nothing', at the expense, of someone else. Usually, slaves are considered, to be sub-human. That enables the slave owners, to feel justified, in treating them like dogs. For making them sleep outside, in the cold, while the slave-owner sleeps inside, with one of the slave's children. Slavery is always evil. And slave owners are evil people. The people, who turn a 'blind eye' to that evil, enable slavery to continue, and eventually, get 'trapped', and become slaves themselves. So it is, at this time in the future, when the Earth is a part, of a much larger 'Alliance', and the 'Alliance' is a part, of a much larger Darinx Empire. The Darinx Empire is in a 'life, or death struggle', against the evil Verm Empire. Comparatively speaking, the Darinx Empire is 'snow white', and the Verm Empire is 'coal black'. It is 'win or die', for the planets, in the Darinx Empire. As a 'price', for membership, in the Darinx Empire, the Earth must provide a quota of military conscripts. That quota is very high, and would decimate the fabric, of Earth's society. But there is a way, to get more soldiers, without using more, of Earth's citizens. Clones have been produced, for centuries, but clones have to be raised, and educated, and trained. But, there is a 'short cut'. When a human soldier dies, the brain is 'harvested'. That brain is 'augmented', with computerized implants, to increase the intelligence, the speed, and the fighting abilities. Then the brain is 'installed' in a super-sized clone body. There you have it. A super-human soldier, right off the assembly line. Today's slave.
About the Author: My background is in Engineering (BSEE), and Art (BFA in painting), and my work experience has ranged between the two Engineering has paid for the essentials of living, and art is the reason to live. You can see some of my artwork at www.terrylefler.com. You can contact me directly at terry@terrylefler.com. But there came a time, when I decided that I should try writing something other than technical literature. Science Fiction was a childhood love, and I especially liked military stories. So, it decided to write a science fiction book about a space war. It was my intention to write an 'action packed' story without too much of the character development, which I usually find boring - I usually skim those parts, and move on to the action. My first effort was 'Tipping Point in the Alliance War. After that, I decided to try a 'trilogy' about 'The Augmented Human Rebellion'. The first book was entitled 'The Inception', and the second book is entitled 'Retribution'. There is one more book to write for the 'Augmented Human Rebellion' series. I have enjoyed the process so much that I expect to write some more books. Hopefully, I will improve, from book to book. And I will probably stay with military science fiction, because I still haven't written the book that I want to produce in that genera. Thank you for your interest. Comments would be appreciated. Terry Lefler