IN SOLITUDE'S GRACE a Poetry Book by JULIAN BOUNDA poetry collection by award winning documentary photographer and National Geographic contributor Julian Bound.
Within the perceptions of solitude and seclusion, a fine line is often drawn between the emotional connotations of happily living a solitary life and that of loneliness.
Exploring the isolation found within solitude, 'In Solitude's Grace' examines emotions revealed within the self's search for peace, a journey of which frequently requires a soul to be guided through the steps of solitude.
From seclusion, either chosen by an individual of forced upon, through to silence, solace and awareness, the eventual calm and attainment of happiness wished for is at last achieved when conquering that of which most fear - an aloneness of being.
Inspired by the receival of teachings from the Indian mystics of the India's northern Himalayan regions, and those of the Buddha's principles from the Buddhist monks of Tibet, Bhutan and northern Thailand, 'In Solitude's Grace' is the third part of a trilogy of books exploring the soul and its eternal workings through traditional and Japanese haiku poetry. Accompanied by 'The Awareness of Being' and 'These Remnants of Self', all books are available in Paperback or in E-Book format at Amazon.
An exploration into the concept of what it means to be alone.
Born in the UK, Julian is a documentary photographer, film maker and author. Featured on the BBC news, National Geographic and in the international press, his work focuses on the social documentary of world culture, religion and traditions, spending time studying meditation with the Buddhist monks of Tibet and Northern Thailand and with spiritual teachers of India's Himalaya region.