About the Book
The world needs more leaders! Communities, corporations, as well as volunteer organizations, like Toastmasters International, cry out for courageous leaders. People, like you and me, who are willing to take greater personal leadership. Leaders who are committed to equipping and motivating those who would follow them to grow, to become more productive, and to succeed. In short, we need you!It is our quest to provide, in this publication, tools, tips, and techniques garnered from these top leaders and generous experts which will assist you in your own leadership journey. We trust you will apply what we've shared in your own quest to better serve and equip your teams.
About the Author: Creative lead, Bob 'Idea Man' Hooey, CKD-Emeritus, Accredited Speaker, 2011 Spirit of CAPS recipient is an inspirational leader, speaker, and a prolific author whose works include Amazon best-sellers 'Legacy of Leadership, Strive for significance - lead on purpose!', and 'Speaking for Success'. He is also the creative lead for Amazon best-seller, Foundational Success. His thought provoking articles have been featured in a multitude of North American trade, association, and consumer publications. He is a respected leader who has been honored by CAPS, NSA, Toastmasters, and the United Nations for his leadership contributions. His innovative Ideas At Work! have been successfully applied by leaders across North America as well as Canada's 50 Best Managed Companies. Visit him at www.ideaman.net Special thanks to these leadership experts for contributing: Dillip Abayasekara, Michael A. Aun, Anne Barab, John Blumberg, Paul Bridle, Marjorie Brody, Jim Cathcart, Steve Chandler, Paul Cherry, Jim Clemmer, Pastor Wayne Cordeiro, Chris Ford, Joyce L. Gioia, Dr. Marshall Goldsmith, Stacey Hanke, Tom Hollinger, Bob 'Idea Man' Hooey, Patricia Katz, Janet Lapp, David A Larson, Sr, Mark LeBlanc, Jim Manton, Linda Maul, Eileen McDargh, Stephen McGhee, Patrick J. McKenna, Nancy Michaels, Michel Neray, Larry Ohlhauser, Vilis Ozols, Terry Paulson, Randy G. Pennington, John Reinhart, Sid Ridgley, Sheryl Roush, Mark Sanborn, Joe Sherren, Brian Tracy, Jack Trout, Phillip Van Hooser. Cy Wakeman