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Modern medicine tells us that we first became acquainted with our body and our own basic motor function as a toddler. We learn to walk, we learn to pick up objects, and when we scrape our knee, or place our hands onto the surface of a hot stove, we learn to feel physical pain. We learn how to experience the material world through our senses of hearing, sight, smell, touch, and sound. But what about what lies beneath physical matter?
Your Customer Will Never Stop to Use this Book about Chakra.
There are seven chakras that run in a straight line down the center of the body. Each one of these chakras represents vital human desire-whether it's the desire to be loved, desire to be accepted, or the desire to be happy-each of these intersections controls the flow of our consciousness through these important networks of the human condition. If there is a "blockage" at any of these junctions, it will lead to a disruption of energy when it comes to that aspect of our personality.
This book is a beginner's guide to Chakra; here are some of the things that will learn from this book:
- Improve Your Health Chakra
- Third Eye Chakra
- Food and Diet to Improve Your Chakras
The first chakra we will explore is the root or the base chakra. When you are working on this chakra, you will be focusing on the color red and the area is going to be right at the base of your spine. This is the chakra that is going to deal with all of the tasks that are related to the physical and material world. It is also about your right to exist. It can also work with your ability to stand up for yourself and sometimes it will determine your security issues.
When this chakra is not working properly, there can be a lot of different health issues that you need to work on. You may find that you will suffer from cold hands and cold feet as well as frequent colds. There can also be issues with depression, sciatica, lower back pain, lots of fatigue, and even anemia.
If you would like to stimulate this particular chakra, you would need to make sure that you are taking care of your body with plenty of restful sleep and physical activity. In addition, things that help you to get closer to the earth, such as pottery, working with clay, and gardening, can help you to feel so much better. You can also work with things that are red, such as wearing red clothing, using red gemstones, or choosing essential oils, such as sandalwood, to help you feel a little bit better.
There is no race in life. There is only the journey, and every day is an exploration of what is best for you as a unique, special human being. Read on for more on chakra and how you can increase your positive energy and awake your third eye.
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