A synopsis of wisdom gained from the lives and experiences of true gentlemen who discovered that developing a personal style is worth a grown man's time.
For grandmothers and mothers of the world who want to give and support their young men and women see a vision of the ideal. The purpose of the book is to present information that will give young men the leading edge in life, including in the ladies department.
Based on a survey taken from women of every age and gender, the results are presented in three parts about what women prefer:
Part 1 Women Prefer Attractive Men - Covers man's innate nature to seek beauty, the dignity of impeccable cleanliness, man's love for attractive women reversed, insights from Cary Grant style and expert clothiers, survey of what women prefer in men, the finest vs. the sleaziest, the importance of beauty in space, light and color, being a leading man and attractive on purpose.
Part 2 Women Prefer Will Dressed Men - Covers the Science of Personal Dress for Men, the mathematical formula for correct dress, applied money-saving common-sense approach to dress, a man's best colors, best clothing lines based on his body shape and the coloring of his hair, skin and eyes, and wardrobe tips from the finest clothiers in the business who knew and dressed the wisest of gentlemen.
Part 3 Women Prefer Gentlemen - Covers male and female relationship, what women remember, itemized manners and table etiquette that reveal a man's charm, charming conversation, protocol of introductions in social exchange, developing magnetism and the art of self-confidence. The powerful Law of Attraction and how it plays out in connection to source and the choices one creates.
All a man as to do is behave a little better than is absolutely necessary. Paying attention to a few details will make him stand out from all the rest and attract women.
From the energy of love an individual is inspired to start learning various disciplines necessary to perfect their own body and spirit. This book is designed for men and for women, daughters and grand-daughters to nurture and help set the tone of expectation with a clear image of a man of strength and character coming from a basis of love.
The nature of man is to respond to the finer sensibilities; the good, the true and the beautiful. To further create and nurture these ideals is the purpose of this book.
About the Author: Irenee Riter Color and line educator and lecturer of The Science of Personal Dress. The author and illustrator of sixteen products and books on color, line, and structural form of the human body. One of the early pioneers of color analysis, Irenee went beyond conventional four-season color methods and discovered "balanced" colors, by organizing all colors into harmonic sequences of color. This supplied the missing link between warm and cool colors that colorists were looking for. She designed four progressive color programs and worked with innovative printers developing training books and tools for colorists to use throughout the country and Europe. Early on was president of Colors Persona Corporation for fifteen years, designed the marketing and testing procedures for D'Saison Creative Colors in Huston, Texas, in association with Miss America advisor. Worked with professional photographers, progressive custom clothing manufacturer Designs On You in Missouri, as well as a company developing custom clothing using high-tech computer programming in Chicago. Lectured for Ray's Institute of Design in Chicago, taught at the Classic Beauty Colleges in Arizona, at the College of Marin and De Anza College in California, and for two years was instructor of the required color and line foundation classes for the fashion department at the Academy of Art in San Francisco. Irenee now writes and illustrates teachings on these subjects. Other books supporting principles of The Universal Language of Color and Line include: eBook The Science of Personal Dress The Science of Personal Dress for Women and Girls The Science of Personal Dress for Men and Boys The Universal Language of FACE READING Professional Color Tester Book