Investment in nutrition has global recognition because it is important for
human development. Susceptibility to infection and eventually reduced
productivity is associated with nutritional deficiencies. Human development,
controlling poverty and economic development are dependent on good nutrition.
When body is unable to absorb or get necessary amount of nutrient from
food, nutritional deficiency occurs. Nutritional deficiency can lead to a variety of
health problems. One of the most prevalent and widespread nutritional deficiency
is considered as iron deficiency. It causes fatigue, weakness and quite a few
medical conditions.
The world health organization defines ―health as a state of complete
physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or
infirmity‖. Childhood is a period of continuous growth and development.
Adolescent begins when the secondary sex characteristics appear and ends when
somatic growth is completed and the individual is psychologically mature,
capable of becoming a contributing member of society. Women are in the age
group of above 15 years. Women begin to menstruate at this age to support a
period of dramatic growth and development. Eating right food at a right time will
prevent the nutritional deficiencies especially iron deficiencies disorder. A
women is a critical condition stage of in the life cycle, when the health of are
affected due to growth spurt, beginning of menstruation, poor intake of iron due
to poor dietary habits and gender bias.
Women are more likely to suffer from nutritional deficiencies than men
are, household work patterns can also increase women's chances of being
malnourished. Globally, 50 percent of women are anaemic, and at least 120
million women in less developed countries are underweight. Research shows that
being underweight hinders women's productivity and can lead to increased rates
of illness and mortality.