Do you owe any back IRS taxes? Are they making your life miserable? Are they taking your wages and bank accounts? Have they seized any of your property? Can't sleep? Would you like to hire someone to assist you in the tax matter, but just cannot afford to do so? If so, this book may be of some help to you.
It will guide you through the IRS collection process, step by step. It offers guidance on many phases of the IRS collection process. It can also assist you in determining which path, through the collection process, may be the best one for you. Possible options include offer in compromise, installment agreements, temporary suspension of collection activity, bankruptcy, waiting for the ten year collection statute to expire, and more.
If you feel you do not owe the tax debt, there are options such as innocent spouse claim for a joint tax liability, and an offer on the basis of doubt as to liability, should you feel the IRS assessment was made in error. Should an additional assessment have been made after an audit, and you missed the deadline for appeals consideration, it may still be possible to request audit reconsideration, up to a year following the assessment.
Should you feel you have exhausted all IRS avenues for resolution of your tax matter, it may be possible to obtain assistance from the Taxpayer Advocate. The information in this book should assist you in that regard, as well.
Types of notices are discussed, herein, so you may determine whether you have thirty, sixty, or ninety days to act, in an effort to avoid levy or seizure.
Following the suggestions in this book should assist you in handling most federal tax matters, with IRS. However, should you feel you would like to pursue possible professional assistance, please feel free to contact the author at