The perfect up-to-date imaging guide for a complete and 3-dimensional understanding of applied human anatomy
Imaging is ever more integral to anatomy education and throughout modern medicine. Building on the success of previous editions, this fully revised fifth edition provides a superb foundation for understanding applied human anatomy, offering a complete view of the structures and relationships within the body using the very latest imaging techniques.
It is ideally suited to the needs of medical students, as well as radiologists, radiographers and surgeons in training. It will also prove invaluable to the range of other students and professionals who require a clear, accurate, view of anatomy in current practice.
Fully revised legends and labels and over 80% new images – featuring the latest imaging techniques and modalities as seen in clinical practice
Covers the full variety of relevant modern imaging – including cross-sectional views in CT and MRI, angiography, ultrasound, fetal anatomy, plain film anatomy, nuclear medicine imaging and more – with better resolution to ensure the clearest anatomical views
Unique new summaries of the most common, clinically important anatomical variants for each body region – reflects the fact that around 20% of human bodies have at least one clinically significant variant
New orientation drawings – to help you understand the different views and the 3D anatomy of 2D images, as well as the conventions between cross-sectional modalities
Now a more compete learning package than ever before, with superb new BONUS electronic enhancements, including:
- Labelled image ‘stacks’ - that allow you to review cross-sectional imaging as if using an imaging workstation.