The Illegal Child was an enchanting tale of mythical creatures and action-packed adventures. This story intrigued us by introducing us to a mere mortal named Danny who, by chance, on one mysterious Halloween night, found himself face-to-face with an haggard old man in disguise who changed into a hideous creature called a hell angel. After Danny was captured and taken to an enormous castle, he met and fell in love with Valentonia, the king's daughter. After many conflicts and battles, the two of them escaped and found refuge. They married and had a handsome child, Gabriel, thereby creating the first hybrid, half human and half angel.
The Illegal Child 2 was suspenseful and dramatic throughout the book. The hell angels kidnapped Gabriel. They took him to a monstrosity of a castle, and Valentonia and Danny enlisted the help of heaven angels and worldly creatures to rescue their son.
The Illegal Child 3 is the last and final book. It will leave you on the edge of your seat, biting your nails and engulfing yourself in every morsel of the book. This magical story features two married people--one, a male human and one, a female angel--and their half-breed son.
The Illegal Child 3 starts with their son being kidnapped by hell angels, who want him because of his unique essence of being both human and angel. They take him to their camp and begin the process of making him their king. There are fights between griffins, creatures that are half lion and half eagles; hell angels, who resemble the devil himself; and warg creatures that resemble powerful wolves with pointed fangs and ripped arms--all clashing to bring about the release of Gabriel.
Meanwhile, his mother, Valentonia, with the help of her husband, Daniel, assemble a group of heaven angels to retrieve her son, Gabriel. Gabriel became the greatest angel ever made during this adventure, and finally, the war between hell and heaven angels ends.