At hindsight, this first time Author, Elder Louis Martin, thought he had all the answers but never questioned himself; until his curiosity got the best of him and he hit rock bottom and the only way up from his struggles was to go back to his roots... Church!
As a young minister, he couldn't see the forest for the trees, and thought the grass was always greener on the other side. But just as the Book is entitled, "If The Tables Were Turned," he soon found out that, yes, the tables were turned... upside down and the Author fell heavily into drug
addiction, but only a heavy weight, God, could bring him back up when he found himself being 'pulled' into a 'pit' from the 'Pul-pit.'
Through faith, hope and courage and as a living, walking, preaching miracle, this Memoir, is a true testament of the Author's deliverance.
"If The Tables Were Turned," gives the Reader, a transparent insight on how the Author overcame adversities, from the Pulpit to the pipe and back to the Pulpit again, by standing firm on the written word, in John 8:36... "If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed!"