Why not tap into your own wisdom instead of looking to other people for the answers to your biggest questions?This book will show you how to find the answers within yourself, simply, quickly and with lasting effect. You know that sinking feeling when you realize you've just done that thing you said you wouldn't do anymore?
There's a pivotal moment in each decision you make, in which you either turn toward yourself and your own Truth, or you turn away. The direction you turn in that pivotal moment will lead to you feeling great or being frustrated, scared or ashamed.
"What stops most of my clients from following their truth is that they don't know how to and they don't believe in themselves." - Eilat Aviram
In just a few hours, you can start the process of healing your mind, body, health, sex, money, food issues and improve your work and parenting.
With this book, you'll learn to:
- Make different choices
- Love yourself more
- Feel more satisfied at work
- Understand your money patterns
- Experience more peace in parenting
- Have better health, sex and relationships
- Enjoy food more and find your ideal weight
Reading it feels like a wise, loving friend is speaking directly to you. Packed with intimate stories from the author's psychotherapy practice and life, it's written in such a friendly, easy-to-read style that even the theory and neuroscience behind why this tool is so effective is easy to understand. It is multi-media rich with video meditations, downloadable summaries and checklists that support your process. It has guidelines to create a group to read the book together and for bringing this concept into your community. And the option to work directly with Eilat in groups or privately.
Society says you need to be a certain way. This trains you to stop listening to your own Truth and instead listen to what society, your family and the media says you should do with your life.
You often override the little voice inside you that tells you which way is best to go or which is the best choice for you in a given moment. When you override or turn away from your inner wisdom like that, it leads to unhappy situations, circumstances and relationships.
You will learn to ask yourself one simple question. The simplicity of this question will return to you the wisest and best answer that comes from within you. This answer will never fail you.
No matter how bad things are for you, using this simple process can help you quickly transform your life. Eilat is a clinical psychologist who has helped clients for over 23 years. Even her toughest clients who have struggled for years with debilitating conditions were finally able to breakthrough to healing once they started using this method and listening to their own Truth.
You are moments away from starting to read this book. Before you know it, you'll start asking the key question and getting the exact answers you need to make great decisions that feel good to you. You'll know the method within the first 5 pages and by chapter 3, you will be able to use this easy-to-apply technique.
You have nothing to lose by starting this process except all the negative crap that you no longer want in your life. You may gain a real connection to your true self who will never let you down. Listening to your Truth is loving yourself.
"...so simple you don't expect it to be as powerful as it is!" Christine Kloser, Author, The Transformation Quadrant