About the Book
In the XXI century, "God" remains an unknown value to humans. Although "God" is the fundamental value in this world, as he is the Creator of all. A modern human cannot accept the idea of the existence of "God" due to lack of evidence that "God" exists. "Blind faith" is an indicator of low level of development of individuals, and is no longer a common stance of modern people, even those who are not well educated. People are willing to believe only that what they can see with their own eyes, test, and, of course, use in everyday life. That is natural.
People only declare that they believe in "God." No one really believes in him because human intellect is created in such a way that one is unable to take something seriously without evidence. Not to mention that recipes that religion offers as a practical guide-do not hold water from the point of view of a modern person. Also, in the eternal debate of psychologists: what is primary, "soul" or body, "soul loses" only because psychologists do not know anything about it. Despite the fact that "soul" (psyche) is the focus of this "science." Shortfalls of medicine, psychology, anthropology, and other sciences that study human beings affected people's attitude towards religion.
However, religion, unlike science, has existed for many centuries. Despite everything, it continues to exist today. This clearly indicates that humanity can exist without science, but not without belief in some "Higher Powers," something supernatural that, unlike modern science, has the ability to solve any problems of humans. One can admit this to himself or not, it does not matter. And, even more so, it does not matter whether this role is filled by biblical "God" (or those gods that religions offer to consider gods) or not.
As it is known, there are books much older than the Bible, Torah, Quran, etc. Some of these books date tens of millions of years back. Studying one of these books (according to some researchers, this manuscript dates 21st century BC), we found answers to all of our questions because this book turned out to be nothing other than the "Catalog of Human Souls." It is a catalog because this book contains descriptions of about three hundred models of psyche of homo sapiens. Moreover, it holds detailed instructions on how this or that person can realize the main "Divine Plan" make himself/herself "the image and likeness of God." In this book about three hundred ways to achieve this state for humans were discovered. This book is a direct proof of existence of "God"; the segment which religious institutions and their congregations have always needed, but lacked. Any person can compare descriptions from the Catalog to real people, their individual qualities, life algorithms, etc., or use information about how a person can be controlled, apply it in practice, see reactions and get real results from manipulation.
"God" created a human in His Image and Likeness, and implanted potential of a Creator into each person. And, gave everyone the freedom to choose exactly how and in what direction to use their existing abilities. The "Divine Will" in respect to a Human was recorded in the "Catalog of Human Souls." However, humanity lost this Catalog, and began to use "God"-given potential in a completely different way. In the direction opposite of the "Divine Plan," people began to create artificial images.
We feel that the tradition of "True Faith" that actually is Knowledge, should be revived. Everywhere. Globally. We propose a new ideology of religions & its practical implementation. We propose to finally determine the answer to who is, at least, a Human. And, to move the theory of existence of "God," the human "Soul" from the status of a theory, which can only be believed in, into the status of a theory that any person can test. New ideology of religions, created on the basis of evidence for "God's" existence produced strictly by scientific methods, can bring people back to "God."
About the Author: Andrey Davydov is an expert in Chinese culture, researcher of ancient texts, the author of scientific discovery of the Catalog of human population and the technology of decryption of the ancient Chinese monument Shan Hai Jing as the Catalog of human population. He authored over 300 published books, including scientific monographs and ideologies. In 2012, he was granted political asylum in the USA due to persecution by a group of employees of the Federal Security Service of Russian Federation (FSB, formerly KGB), who decided to expropriate his research product-the Catalog of human population. Olga Skorbatyuk is a Senior Analyst at the Special Scientific Info-Analytical Laboratory-Catalog of Human Souls and a Partner with the Human Population Academy. Skorbatyuk is a professional psychologist, one of the developers of the Catalog of human population, the founder of Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis, and co-author of over 300 books and scientific articles. She was granted political asylum in the USA due to persecution by the Federal Security Service of Russian Federation (FSB, formerly KGB) together with Andrey Davydov. HPA Press publishes works that further Human Population Academy's mission: to inform over 7 billion humans living on Earth about the discovery of the Catalog of human population (Catalog of Human Souls). Human Population Academy's vision is a world where every person uses the Catalog of Human Souls. Visit http: //www.HumanPopulationAcademy.org