IDENTITY IS EVERYTHING! MY PREACHING NOTES on Self Discovery by Dr. Kluane Spake Most Christians live far below their potential! We seem to have a "mental assent" concerning SELF DISCOVERY and IDENTITY-- like, we've heard it before. But the reality is - It ISN'T WORKING! Our identity is vague... and our success is tottering.
Are you ever frustrated about your lack of confidence and self-worth? Tired of seeing your dreams languish? Fed up with not succeeding? This book is a compilation of my powerful teaching notes how actualizing he identity of who you already are in Christ will sky-rocket your awareness and success in life! If you answered yes to any of these questions then just scroll up to buy this book... Identity and self-worth is crucial in order for you to activate the Kingdom. The apprehension of your Divine IDENTITY restores the heir-ship of who you are meant to be. Did God Really Say Who YOU Are? YES!!! OVER and over...
You will love this book because your IDENDITY really IS Everything!
Who Are You? Do You Know For Sure?The single most important factor in behavior change is the picture you carry around in your brain of who you believe yourself to be.We are spiritual beings meant to co-exist in the temporal and spiritual realms at the same time on earth.
Today is the day to begin to find out who you really are.
Find greater meaning NOW! Be healed in your self confidence! Just Scroll up and order today.
If you are desperate... today is a new day! It's the day to discover who you really are. Buy this book now and be changed forever!
http: // -- Leading Reform P.O. Box 941933 -- Atlanta, GA 31141 Statistics say that 87% of Christians are dysfunctional! Most believers are neutralized and unproductive because of wrong teachings.Religion has caught you in a TIME WARP. They tend to live in yesterdays - in regret - wishing they could live our life over again.
Identity theft is the Major Consequence Of The Fall
We live in a time where secular identification is vital. We need Social Security numbers, passports, and driver's licenses. It all seems normal to prove who we are.
This struggle to know who we are is as old as the Garden temptation - we remember that the serpent's temptation was, "Eat of the tree and you will be LIKE GOD..." But they already were! That first couple did not understand that they were already created to LIVE in the image and likeness of God.
The problem is that still today, most believers do not understand the intention of God in Creation. THE ONLY THING you CAN CHANGE about your PAST is your PERCEPTION OF PAST. The past is NOT WORTH LOSING YOUR PRESENT OVER. The NOW IS PRECIOUS. Dr. Kluane Spake http: // shows you that too many Christians live in their past identity and then spend the rest of their lives looking for sympathy for their past. The truth is, you may have messed up in the past. But... Now what? IDENTITY IN CHRIST. It really is time for this paradigm shift to happen IN YOU. Learn HOW to cause that to happen!.
Here we are - spiritual beings living on earth. Our heavenly identity often collides with our emotions and disappears depending on our circumstances. This book, "Identity Is Everything" will help you discover how to be supernaturally natural here on this earth and enjoy your life now. Actualizing your true IDENTITY releases the Power of God within and it will distinguish you from being an "average" person and change you into the overcoming achiever.
Please scroll back up to the right to order today!
About the Author: Dr. Kluane Spake Dr. Kluane Spake is an International speaker, author, Ministry Success Coach, and Ministry Mentor; Her mission is to help you experience significant success and happiness in your life; and in your ministry! She boldly speaks and writes about lots of imperative and controversial messages of Church REFORM; like how certain limiting errors of doctrine have held women back around the world for centuries. Her books are directed to those who are forward-thinking Christian Ministers, Leaders, and entrepreneurs; to understand the original INTENTION of Scripture and to know how to use these imperative Biblical Truths in actionable and applicable strategies; right now!
"Dr. K" was raised in Anchorage and raised her kids in Fairbanks, Alaska. She founded and pastored a successful church in the tropical island of Guam for 14.5 years. This experience made a profound influence on understanding the needs of the LOCAL Church PASTOR and Traveling Ministers.
Since moving to Atlanta, Georgia, she now travels in ministry world-wide preaching/teaching at local church services, conferences, and pastor's meetings. She lives with her husband Rodell just north of Atlanta. They have four grown kids and seven grandkids.
Her hobbies are diverse; particularly traveling, accapella singing, and art. Needless to say, she loves SEO and graphic design!
Dr. Kluane has two earned doctoral degrees; one in Theology and one in Naturopathy. Obviously, she is hooked on learning!
The easiest way to contact is by email;
"Because of full time travel, it is best to email first and let me call you back!"
Facebook Group https: //
Kluane Spake
Church and Conference Speaker: She is a Commissioned Ambassadorial Apostle and Theologian. Her passion is to study and research to discover and then help establish correct Biblical Truth and explain those eternal Principles into Spirit-Led practical application that impacts Leaders of the Church, Society, Governments, and Nations to change the world.
One of her joys in life is to have written the Online Bible Course; "The School of the Apostles"; Plus, she has written over 25 Books and countless E-books and articles. And lots more courses are coming soon!