Fred Litwin recounts how he became a JFK conspiracy freak at eighteen, and then slowly moved to believe that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone assassin. I Was a Teenage JFK Conspiracy Freak demonstrates how the left and right have used the JFK assassination to drive home myths about power in America. There is also the persecution of a gay man prosecuted for conspiring to kill Kennedy, the ugly story of Oliver Stone's homophobic film JFK, an exposé of conspiracy nonsense on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, a look at how the Soviets tried to influence American public opinion that CIA was behind the murder, and the incredible secret why some JFK assassination documents must remain locked up. And a whole lot more.
"As a young man growing up in the heyday of Kennedy assassination theorizing, Fred Litwin believed a conspiracy killed JFK. And then he grew, and he studied and he researched. The result is this volume, a thorough, cogent and meticulously argued case for a lone assassin. A seasoned conspiracy skeptic will learn new things here, and a conspiracy believer open to looking at the other side could do no better than this volume."
-John McAdams, Associate Professor of Political Science at Marquette University and author of JFK Assassination Logic: How to Think about Claims of Conspiracy
"This is a great book for conspiracy buffs-and, more important, for those who debunk such theories. Fred Litwin does a terrific job in blowing up the myriad JFK assassination scenarios, not least in completely demolishing The Fifth Estate's decades-long efforts to "uncover" the truth. The CBC's lead investigative show is revealed here to be more than slightly unhinged."
-J.L. Granatstein, Author of Who Killed Canadian History?
"In Fred Litwin's marvelous book, he charts how he went from an early skeptic to someone dedicated to dissecting their arguments and carefully tearing them apart. He puts the final nail in the coffin of all the conspiracy theorists, who develop new ones as old theories are proven wrong. Everyone still concerned with JFK's death and thinks it's a mystery must read this book. They will be glad they did."
-Ronald Radosh, Professor Emeritus of History at CUNY, opinion columnist for The Daily Beast and co-author of A Safe Haven: Harry S. Truman and the Founding of Israel
"Mr. Litwin's book is the best in many, many years in dealing with the truth about this horrendous piece of history...and exposing the fakirs, cons and opportunists who often call themselves 'historians.' A fine presentation!"
-Hugh Aynesworth, Author of November 22, 1963: Witness to History and JFK: Breaking the News
About the Author: Fred Litwin is a marketing professional who worked nine years for Intel Corporation. In 1998-1999, Fred managed a team of twenty people organizing the launch of the Pentium III in Asia. Prior to joining Intel, Fred was Vice-President of Sales for LAN Systems in New York City.
In 2000, he founded NorthernBlues Music, a cutting-edge blues label. The company has released over 70 CDs, and has garnered 12 Juno Award and over 40 Blues Music Award nominations.
In 2007, Fred started the Free Thinking Film Society to showcase films on liberty, freedom and democracy. The Society has now shown over 100 films and also organizes book launches and panel discussions.
In the fall of 2015, Fred published his first book, Conservative Confidential: Inside the Fabulous Blue Tent, which detailed his journey from left-wing anti-nuclear activist Conservative Party campaigner.
Fred has also written articles for the National Post, the Ottawa Citizen, the Toronto Sun, C2C Journal, iPolitics, and The Dorchester Review.
I Was a Teenage JFK Conspiracy Freak is his second book and you can find updates and pictures at