"I Found God In Hollywood", is a collection of 98% true stories, that are charged, and intended to be humorous. However, if the lucky reader finds that they learn something about themselves, or have a spiritual epiphany, then I guess that would be a good thing. This is an autobiographical book of funny stories, from the perspective of a musician, and pot head who goes to Hollywood to find fame and fortune and ends up with a spiritual awakening. Go figure. Sometimes God has a better plan than we do. The book is organized into four sections. The first is a collection of 8 stories from High School. You know High School was, a lot of stress, and fun, and trouble, and big changes. My time in High School was during 1978 through 1982. The end of the 70's and the beginning of the 80's. What's so great about High School stories? Nothing really, if you had a boring, safe life. Everything, if you were me. Read on and see for yourself.
The next obvious section is about college life. Boston was a great time to go to school in the 80's. Lots of good material there. But don't take my word for it. Read it and find out for yourself!
After college came, you guessed it: Hollywood! Wouldn't that be a logical choice if you were a musician and pot head? Yup. Hollywood had hot chicks, great music scene, and good weed. Little did our humble here know what would happen next.
Lastly, the fourth section is about Hollywood AFTER, Cliff gets sober. A much different reality, let me tell you. If you think Hollywood was psychedelic ON drugs, just imagine what its like SOBER! Much more trippy of a scene. Trust me on that one.
So, this book is a collection of whacky, funny, rock n roll, stoner stories that have meaning, depth and dare I say profound spiritual implications. You don't have to go to Tibet and sit with the Dali Lama to find the mysteries of the Universe. Because quite frankly, NO ONE knows the mysteries of the Universe, including me. But, the bottom line is this: if you are interested in truth, honesty, integrity, virtue, prudence, humility...then, you can find that where ever you are. It just strikes me as a little odd, and interesting, that I just happened to have found God In Hollywood!
One more thing, the illustrations in the book are really funny too. I think the illustrations are sort of a cross between Salvador Dali, Picasso, and Mad Magazine.