You Are About To Discover The Dark, Frustrating And Uncertain Life That Black People In America Live That Will Make You To Understand Why Millions Of Americans Have Been On The Streets Across The Different States Protesting That Black Lives Matter! Names are always being published every day of recent victims of racism in the country, and more people are emerging from the shadows to speak out their horrifying experiences under the hands of white supremacists and indoctrinated police officers.And no, it didn't start with the death of George Floyd or the 25-year old Ahmaud Arbery who was maimed while jogging through Glynn County, Ga. Throughout history, blacks have been living their lives like victims, dodging physical and emotional bullets and this book will explain to you how and why.
Living in America as a black is indeed different from what most people around the world think. It's hardly the land of opportunity or the land of the free, nor is it the land of the brave -and in a minute, you're going to see what I mean.
So if you've been asking yourself:
What does the typical life of a black in America look like?
How are they discriminated exactly?
What's the historical background of racism in America?
Does it mean the Jim Crow laws still persist?
Are politics shaped to favor racism?
...then this book will answer all these questions comprehensively to give you an accurate account of life in the United States that most people (including those living in this country) aren't familiar with.
More precisely, you'll learn: - How it is living in America as a black person, including chilling stories that will make you wonder why some things should be happening in 2020 and beyond
- How being black affects your job, leisure activities and shopping, told in a way that will spur in you positive rage to want to champion for change
- How blacks die in America, including the sad story of George Floyd
- Whether or not black lives matter
- The history of the discrimination of blacks, from the time the first black people came to America, through the independence years and to-date to show you just how nothing has changed
- How racism works and why it is so engrained in American culture, systems, laws and society in general
- How blacks have been creatively set up by the laws of the land and condemned to a life of discrimination in a way that the situation is saddeningly helpless
- The effects of systematic racism on black lives
- How to fight racism - what you can do to improve the situation and make America the land of the free and brave that we all tell the world it is when it is not
- Politics and systemic racism, including why no single leader can change everything overnight and what can be done to fast track changes
...And much more!
Indeed, fear, anger and hopelessness are some of the expressions that have become the default physiognomy of an average black in America, the same way protests in the U.S. against systemic racism and police brutality against the blacks are becoming a normal occurrence and a way of life.
Even if you think you've heard countless racist stories, this book's level of detail will help you understand the deep rot in the system and American culture that may take years to end.
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