Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is an enemy of God. Are these words of Scripture become a joke? What if there is no Big Bang? That man did not evolve from beasts? That there is nothing like chance? And once seen that these are false beliefs, and what darkness leads men to them, where do we go? And what if friendship with mobile phones, televisions, cinema, profane songs, comedies, video games, internet, those ball games, football, basketball, cricket and such should be criminalised, seen to be vanity and against what is good? Also with those great famed storytellers, and their tales of kings and queens, witches and wizards, and suchlike fictions and fantasies? This world is not right, not in accordance with a good pure conscience. What if it was seen that an evil spirit, as Scripture says, is the god of this world? That Satan is not some unreal character? Seen how he deludes and blinds? If systematically shown why and how he works in us, and how we are naturally his children and slaves, and how continuously evil is our imagination, all as the Bible says, to whom would we turn to?
We can distinguish between good and evil; and the meaning of the word good is not ambiguous but simple, has its boundaries, but the kind of love that is in us makes it unclear, blurs the lines, and has us cross moral bounds, and walk into the wrong camp. In order that we may understand this world, we must understand ourselves, who are of the world and shape it. And for the world to become our foe, it must be seen as that. The love of the light must be in our hearts. But how can we love someone we do not know? And in ignorance despise the defilement we love? Thus, self-knowledge we ought to have. And to know ourselves, we should properly know the beginning of the world, God's Word, His law, His covenant with the whole human nature, the beginning and state of the world's minds and consciences, the fall of the world, and how one man's sin is conveyed to all mankind, and why it was necessary that the Saviour should be God and man; and His offices and God's love in Him. We are destitute of light and life and goodness, and do not know. I seek not to merely plunge you into despair, but show you, and direct you to hope-the pure spiritual and supernatural Christian religion which has never been refuted, and cannot be, on account of its divine origin, which I explain. Perhaps for some reason God has been an object of hatred, but if we rightly came to know Him and His goodness, and ourselves and our wicked thanklessness, then perhaps enraged we should rightly turn against ourselves.
This book (the first and second part) should also prove an important foundation to understanding what artificial intelligence really is; what that smart moving light which is in the telephones and other things really is. So material are our lives, I speak of spiritual things. The visible and the invisible. Let us not regret being wilfully ignorant of those duties which are required of us by the will of the Creator, whose will must be properly known in these times of false teachings and deceptions. We are in the midst of most dangerous errors in the form of atheism, materialism, stoicism, spiritualism, pantheism; Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Roman Catholicism. God's pure simple truth, throughout history minds have been against it, from before Homer, to Virgil, to Spinoza, Hume, Kant, Nietzsche, Jung, and all the way to them who profess to be wise in this age. Is it something new I offer? It is not worldly wisdom, but what under the light of God's word I have been able to do. A deep religious true study of the nature and ways of the self, or the I; and of how and why higher laws are natural to man; of what relation we have to the prophesied coming of the Antichrist, which is already in the world; of God's governance of everything, order and disorder. And of all things leading to that day of judgement, whereof we all have some sense.