About the Book
What people are saying about: I Am "I Am" is a wonderfully personal, thought provoking study for believers desiring to grow in intimacy with Jesus. The Bible passages and questions help you to examine your heart and relationship with Jesus. Do you really know who I Am is? Do you want to know him better? As you go day by day through the lessons you will be changed as the Spirit of God helps you to see the condition of your own heart and your love for Jesus. --Shelly Juskiewicz, Pastor to Women, Rooted and Life Groups, Mariners Church About the book: I Am (Transformed in Him). Have you wanted a closer walk with the Lord? Do you sometimes find yourself dragging through your days wondering where He is, who He is, and why He isn't helping you more? In your heart of hearts, have you been hoping, perhaps even imagining, that God would reveal Himself to you more and more, that He would help you to build a trust that would ease your burdens and, blessing of blessing, refashion your life into a grace- and peace-filled walk with Him? Who does God say He is, and how can He answer these questions? In this Bible study you will discover the deep and abiding riches of God, whose name is I AM WHO I AM, as He told Moses in the Book of Exodus. You will discover the many meanings and implications of each I AM saying from both an Old and New Testament perspective. Throughout this six week study (Volume One of a Two Volume set) you will begin to unearth the treasure trove of riches that are found within God's name, I AM WHO I AM. From the authors: First and foremost, we want you to enjoy the Lord in all His aspects with all the incomparable and amazing meanings for life that come from the I AM sayings. Whether you are doing the laundry, or flying to Hawaii, or undertaking mission work to the underprivileged, or just fighting through bad times, we want you to know, "You have a friend, eternal, constant, moment by moment, who lives within you, the Almighty, I AM WHO I AM." We ask blessings and enlightenment, joy and depth-deep calling to deep-for all the students of this work.
About the Author: Mother, Diana Burg, and daughter, Kim Tapfer have had an amazing and miraculous journey together to the writing of this study on discipleship. They have debated whether or not to tell their story with all the messy, sad, and sometimes very tragic consequences and plights that resulted, as they always do, from dealing with an outrageous and out-of-control alcoholic in your family. But in May of 1979, when Kim was 13 years old, Diana went to her first Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. Isn't it always fascinating, often paradoxical and enigmatic, how the Lord's redemption and restoration work? Diana was a hardened atheist who searched for help with her alcoholism in every possible place, every nook and cranny in the world, except Alcoholics Anonymous because AA required, in their third step, that your life be turned over to God. But, at that point, she was desperate for help with her drinking. So she went to AA. Kim asked her mother early on in AA, one day, to look into the possibility that Jesus was Lord and Savior and promised eternal life because she knew her mother was afraid of death. So Diana went to a small chapel sometime in 1979, where she met the Lord and felt the presence of the Holy Spirit and there gave her life to the Lord. Kim is an attorney and lives with her husband, Ted, and their two children, Brad and Mandy, in Newport Beach, California. She has been involved in Bible Studies for many years as a leader, teacher and speaker, and she currently leads a women's Bible study at her church, Mariners, in Irvine, California. Diana has lived all her life in Denver and resides in its foothills with her husband and father of Kim, Charles. She is an acolyte-someone who assists the priest during services with readings from the Bible and serving Communion-in the Episcopal Church. The authors wanted to share their passion for the Lord and his Word by writing something together. Diana had written a book on the I AM sayings of Jesus. After much prayer and discussion they decided to write a meditative Bible study based on Diana's book, and so I AM - a Meditative Bible Study on the I AM Sayings of Jesus was born. The first volume of the work is a six-week Bible study as described in the introduction. They both believe it is a work for people seeking a deeper walk and wanting to experience greater transformation through an intimate relationship with Christ.