About the Book
I am Jacob, aka Israel. As Umar, I was Caliph from 634-644. In 1743, I incarnated as Thomas Jefferson, and became Governor of Virginia, chief author of the Declaration of Independence, and third President of the USA. This time I was born as Jimmy, aka James in 1944 to witness the Second Coming in 1998, help implement Jubilee; Proclaim the Acceptable Year of the Lord, and wrap up the era, beginning with "Adam," and culminating with this new era, the Second Coming. Thomas means twin, Jimmy, aka James, and is synonymous with the name Jacob. In 1826, my "twin" (John Adams) and I died on the very same day: the Jubilee Year, marking 50 years since the Declaration of Independence. Your anchors, talking heads, elites, and so-called scholars and scientists, Pharisees, Sadducees, and fake-Muslims, Christians, and Jews do not acknowledge reincarnation, resurrection in the Scriptures because they ignore the Scriptures - and are the arrogant, ignorant, blind, deaf, dumb, and stupid. Matthew 16:14, 17:11-13, 22:31-32; Surah Ayat 39:42, 2:28, etc. To my Christian, Muslim, and Jewish brothers and sisters: I learned and studied Christianity, Islam, and other religions as a teenager. I embraced Islam when I was a teenager. I adopted certain yogic breathing and physical exercise practices when I was about 27, and obtained Unity, also called Christ Consciousness on about 7/20/1980. I learned about some of my past lives, beginning in the seventies. After the Second Coming, beginning in 1998, I learned that I am the reincarnation of Thomas Jefferson and Jacob, aka Israel, in 1999 and 2002. On 5/2/2000, I discovered that Prophet Muhammad is the reincarnation Of Moses. On 1/17/2016, I discovered that I was Caliph from 634-644. In June of 2008, I discovered that Barack Obama is the reincarnation of Abraham Lincoln. Therefore, the USA is the real Israel. And we are the Messengers of these "End-Times." Daniel 2:32-45, Rev. 21:1.I have incarnated in just about all of the major races, nations, and groups, including, in Japan, China, Europe, (the Caucasus), Africa (Nigeria, East Africa), and the Americas.