This Is Volume 2 of The Prophetic Book Series, I AM COMING. This Series Contains Urgent Messages From God The Lord Jesus, God The Father, and God The Holy Spirit, about the soon Rapture and Tribulation. Some prophetic words from Jesus in I Am Coming, Volume 2:
"MY children, money will not save you; your work will not save you; your governments will not save you. You can follow after all forms of ideas and beliefs seeking truth, but it is all false and there is only one road to truth and life everlasting. The narrow road is JESUS, your LORD and SAVIOR, I am that Truth. Unless you follow hard after ME, your LORD and SAVIOR, you will be forever lost.
"Very few are embracing MY Ways, MY Holy Ways. Ways that I, GOD require to be prepared to come into MY Kingdom. This is who will be exiting the planet with ME when I come to take MY bride out to safety: lovers of truth; lovers of MY Word; lovers of holiness; lovers of GOD and all those around. These are MY bride, MY people who are prepared to depart with ME.
"Very few are ready. MY Book is clear in directions and signs to look for when MY coming is near... I am coming very soon to pull MY bride out to safety. You may cling to your false beliefs. You can argue your point all you care to. When I come and leave you behind, you can still argue that I never came, but that doesn't change or alter MY Truth. I am GOD, JEHOVAH, and what I say is indisputable, undeniable Truth.
"Study MY Word and show yourself approved. You may look for GOD through all sorts of worldly ideas, but when you come face to face with MY Word in the Bible after MY SPIRIT fills your life, you will recognize truth and not before.
"I am the narrow road, the One Way to safety. Don't be deceived by the worldly talk around you that these aren't the last days, they are. You do not have the luxury of time, many years into the future as the world wants you to believe. The world speaks of plans way into the distant future, these people are not MY followers. They do not read MY Word. They do not possess MY SPIRIT. You will be lured into believing you have all the time in the world to relax and enjoy many years ahead. It's a trap of deception by the enemy of mankind and the people will fall into this deception and their loss will be great. Seek MY Face, surrender wholly to ME, and come after MY Truth. I will save you, I am willing. The hour is close. I do not want to lose you. Consider these words. I wait yet a little bit longer. Do not wait too long. One day it will be too late.
"This is JESUS, your personal SAVIOR."
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Comments from some readers:
"I am so very grateful for the messages you have sent. Nothing in this world is more important than to make spiritual preparations for the rapture. Thus your letters from Jesus is really a big help for me." - Reader 1
"You just don't know how much you and Susan have blessed me with the letters from our dear, sweet Lord Jesus! Not only have they given me renewed hope of the rapture, but they have also made me examine myself for unconfessed sin, and how much time I am spending with our Lord in prayer, how much time I am spending reading His word, if I am putting anything before the Lord and how I much I am doing or not doing for His kingdom. The letters have made me start looking at myself and what I can do to improve my relationship with my dear Lord Jesus so that He will count me worthy to escape the wrath to come." - Reader2
"I want you to know how much I appreciate your much-needed messages from the Lord Jesus. I have carefully read every one of them and can find no fault... What you are saying sounds exactly like what I would expect the Lord to be saying at this exact time." - Reader3
"I have been following the letters you have written and the more I read the more I feel the Lord talking to me directly. I am a born again, Spirit-filled Christian who has longed for years for the return of the Lord." - Read