Do you remember the shocking first time when you couldn't button your favorite jeans effortlessly? Do you run out of steam while having fun with the kids? Do you lack fitness for a carefree bike tour through the green? Do you avoid such situations because you simply carry too much weight with yourself and no longer feel comfortable in your skin?
There are many reasons for wanting to lose excess kilos. Numerous diets promise you maximum success with minimal effort. Such radical cures are mostly very one-sided, associated with deficiency symptoms, and only effective for a short time. If the yo-yo effect comes, your body size quickly increases again, but your well-being decreases.
Some people eat for emotional reasons to compensate for boredom, loneliness, or grief. Others suffer from a lack of exercise, associated with an excess of calories and low metabolism. Some people just eat unhealthily. Often, due to lack of time, they resort to industrially manufactured food that, in addition to very high fat, sugar, and salt content, primarily supplies empty calories.
The healthy alternative: Lose weight sustainably with hypnosis!
Under hypnosis, your eating habits, thinking patterns, and behaviors are checked and permanently changed. Without sacrificing enjoyment, sweets and fats are becoming increasingly unattractive for you. Instead, you feel more motivated and want to exercise and eat healthy food. Instead of the chocolate bar, you'd better grab the bike. With every dwindling kilo, you gain satisfaction, health, and quality of life. The pounds drop, and you feel relieved.
You can lose weight with hypnosis from the comfort of your own home.
I will introduce you also a world full of positivity and gratitude. Do you know about positive affirmations?
Affirmations are positive sentences or statements that are directed toward influencing our subconscious mind. Words and phrases you say in a loop, hold the power to involuntarily create mental imagines within the subconscious mind. They can inspire, motivate, drive, and energize you into manifesting or creating everything you desire. Repeating affirmations have the power to affect our powerful subconscious forces, which in turn affects our actions, habits, thoughts, and feelings.
I've been asked several times about what affirmations truly accomplish. To begin with, they keep you motivated to achieve your goal. Affirmations keep your mind firmly fixated on the goal. They affect the subconscious mind to activate its fulfillment powers. Affirmations possess the ability to impact the way you think and act when you communicate with people who have the ability to help you accomplish your goals.
This book includes:
- Information on Positivity and Positive Affirmations
- Psychology of hypnosis
- Hypnosis to Choose health and Quit the Vicious Circle of the "Guilty Eater"
- No-surgery Gastric Band with Hypnosis
- Evidence That Hypnosis is Useful
- Portion Control Hypnosis
- Hypnosis Weight Loss Session
- Hypnosis for Weigh Loss Mini Habits
- Insights on The Law of Attraction
- Learn to See the Bright Side of Everything
- Gratitude Affirmations
- Abundance and Success Affirmations
- Over 1000 Positive Affirmations to Boost You Up!
- Self Hypnosis Session
- Deep Sleep hypnosis Sessions
- And too much more!!
You can begin today - even if you think you have nothing or are nowhere near your goal.
Losing weight with hypnosis is not aimed at your short-term success by dropping a few pounds. Instead, it is about permanently making you lighter, more confident, more relaxed, and happier.
So, let's get started! Press the "buy now" button and find out!