About the Book
Syndicated columnist, Joseph Sobran wrote extensively during Bill Clinton's presidency, detailing many of the scandals and shady dealing of those years. Hustler: The Clinton Legacy is a priceless recounting of Bill and Hillary's reign in the White House. Luckily for the Clintons, people have short memories. And since more than 20 years have gone by, younger folks have no recollection of those Clinton years. That's why FGF Books, the publishing imprint of the Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation, which owns the copyrights to all of Mr. Sobran's columns, decided to bring out a second edition of this important book now. Here are some of the misdeeds and nefarious activities of the Clintons discussed in "Hustler": -- "FileGate": when Bill and Hillary illegally obtained many FBI files of their enemies -- the Whitewater scandal -- that fact that Bill used Arkansas state troopers to procure women for parking lot trysts -- First Feminist Hillary trying to foist a comprehensive universal national health care system on the U.S. in 1993 -- that the Clintons were loathed by much of the public for their greed, opportunism, fanaticism, glad-handing. bullying, and hypocrisy during their eight years in the White House --that Bill Clinton was the first president to "make the sexual revolution part of the conscious program, promoting abortion, homosex, feminism, and the rest, and even weaving them into the system of entitlements." --that Clinton understood with perfect lucidity that "civil rights" has become nothing more than a group spoils system This book provides a penetrating and insightful analysis of the nature and personality of our 42nd president. For example: "Americans have been taught to expect their presidents to be great men: men of substance, courage, eloquence, and dignity. Clinton has none of these qualities and hardly pretends to have them. ... He is nothing but a skilled political specialist, a charmingly unscrupulous improviser, possessing all the currently necessary arts of raising money, wooing important power blocs, and getting elected". Every essay in this book adds to one's knowledge of the character of Bill Clinton. Joe calls Clinton "The Sex President." While he is probably the only one to be that blunt about it (other than perhaps Ann Coulter, who wrote the Foreword to the book), he wrote, humorously: "Another thing nobody has ever said is this: 'Bill Clinton is innocent. Let's hear those tapes. Let's hear the testimony of Monica Lewinsky, Betty Currie, the Secret Service, the Chinese lobbyists, and let the chips fall where they may. The full truth will vindicate the president and confute his accusers.'" "Co-president" Hillary does not escape Sobran's critique. He writes: "Hillary became the most powerful and unpopular first lady in history. And it wasn't long before she also generated her own scandals. ...It comes as a kind of relief to find she's made of the same stuff as her husband. Her fanaticism has never gotten in the way of her profit." Sobran foresaw clearly the failings and ramifications of Clinton's foreign policy which increased the involvement of the U.S. in the Middle East. In 1997, he wrote: "How many enemies do we want? We have the power to make an unlimited number, provoking terrorist retaliation in the short run and who knows what in years to come. ... If, one day soon, one of these bombs is detonated in Washington, New York, St. Louis, or Seattle, we'll pay dearly not only for Bill Clinton's sins, but for our politicians' fifty-year habit of ...sacrificing America's interests to Israel. The shock will dwarf the memory of Pearl Harbor." Alas, he was correct in his prediction. The Clintons aren't about to change their character. But will enough Americans catch on to them to drive them eventually into oblivion? It is the hope and prayer of FGF Books that some of the insights in this book will illuminate the minds and hearts of our fellow citizens as to the tr
About the Author: Joseph Sobran (1946-2010) was an important paleoconservative Christian writer and sought-after speaker of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. Often compared to G.K. Chesterton and H.L. Mencken, Sobran was well known for giving insightful spins on politics, cultural issues, the overreaching state, Lincoln, and Shakespeare -- in addition to the focal point of this book, the Clintons (or whoever happened to be president at the time). Sobran predicted years in advance the war against Christian society, the culture of death, the decline of society, the abandonment of the Constitution, and the perils of government intervention in our lives. Sobran was a syndicated columnist for 30 years. He wrote for National Review magazine for more than 20 years. For 20 years, he wrote the weekly column "Washington Watch" for The Wanderer newspaper. From 1994 to 2007, he edited his own monthly newsletter, Sobran's: The Real News of the Month. He also edited and contributed essays to many books, magazines and journals. His interest in the Shakespeare authorship question led him to write "Alias Shakespeare: Solving the Greatest Literary Mystery of All Time" (The Free Press, 1997). He also wrote five books in the series Shakespeare Explained (Marshall Cavendish, 2008-2010). Some of the anthologies of his writing include: "Single Issues: Essays on the Crucial Social Questions" (The Human Life Press, 1983); "Joseph Sobran: The National Review Years" (FGF Books, 2012); and "Subtracting Christianity: Essays on American Culture and Society" (FGF Books, 2015). The copyrights for his articles are owned by the Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation, www.fgfBooks.com, which continues to promote the legacy of this superb and talented writer. http: //fgfbooks.com/Sobran-Joe/Sobran-bio.html