About the Book
In this Full-Color Photos version, more expensive, the author, George N. Files Sr., writes about old world values for his friend hunter trumper, no typo, a man dropped into manhood way early. Job, of the Bible, some of his DNA to yet do work with for life. Not for the faint-hearted or children. Rank shite goin' down here. Sex, drugs, and rock and roll. Life, love, and relationships. Cuss'ed hard work. his first memories born at 18th century Maine farms, a child's life, 20th century Ct. trailer-park. Marriage at 15 years young, his "pool-hall" and connections to the "mob", Jack Alltrade beginnings, sex, drugs and classic-rock, come later. The women, commitment, the cold betrayals, memorable love and sexes, hot and cold. 1970's Miami Beach, 1980's Belize, 1990's stock-broker, debit insurance-man, traveling father. Intrigue, fights, Army soldier in the Vietnam era, back to Miami, hot tropical-life, in the 1970's. Maine, building a home. Dogs, hunting, fishing, and a hot, bad-tempered Liverpudlian wife. A Cock-ney-London girl-friend, Brit's came too, in Miami. Anguish and heart-ache, life lessons, action- adventure and fun. Thrilling love, the struggles, hope for the under-dog, psychedelic mushrooms, drinking philosophies, marijuana and life-lessons. Buy this book for your 15-year-olds, boys or girls, and you read it for your self first. Enjoy the whole adult thing. Then, select chapters for them to share. It's a paper book. You can slice it up by pages or chapters. Or, read it with them. No 15-year-old, but hunter, should, have to be ready for parts of hunter's unique story, all true. He's a 63 year-old now. "Been there, done that?" Also a good story for your spouse, friends and all generations for a look at how things could be, but shouldn't be, both with and without hunter's and your own moral judgement until you have facts. Help to keep young-ones from following this hunter, scare the "be-Jesus" out of them with the truth! THC inhibits developing brains! Public- awareness needed, more kids tell each other, Wait! This is a must keep reading page-turner, thrilling entertainment for all, even Bible-thumpahs, hoping you like all the parts, or not. A real-world look. No dead-beat dads here, Independent Libertarians, voting for Bernie Sanders and a Progressive U.S.A. Oops! Wrong page. Experiences like Job from the old Hebrew Good- Book. Life in the modern-world not un-like Christ. The first, hopefully not the last, good good Son-of-Man. We The People. Do the right thing. It's time. This good-book doesn't have It all. A good start, any-way. It's rough, sometimes hard to read and in a format I created by mistakes. Please, enjoy. E-mail me at george.n.files@gmail.com
About the Author: Non-fiction Autobiography made it an easy story to tell. The clarity of Truth showing the way. Easy to write, the re-write sucks, did quite a few, but we have no money so this second edition is self-published, simple, fun, let us hope. Between them, hunter and George don't have more than a few years college but many years of the complete experience needed to get this story across. Read it, come back, see if we had it right. Contact us or just leave anonymous shit at: george.n.files@gmail.com, short and sweet please.