People and their effective management are key to sustainable organisations.
In its 5th Edition, this Human Resource Management book focuses on what it takes to effectively manage people.
The book has been restructured and revised to remain an essential resource for anyone wanting the knowledge and practical insight into the effective Management of People. The new edition continues to provide a sound theoretical base while equipping readers with the knowledge and practical insight to manage people.
In line with its focus on Managing People, the book consists of five sections, a case study section and an appendix on South African labour law, written to highlight the key considerations to manage people fairly and legally.
Section One, introduces people as a valued resource and the key role of managers and the human resource management function in effectively managing people. The stakeholder approach to HRM in South Africa is also addressed in this section.
Section TWO focusses on Managing the Organization. This section addresses the responsibly of managers to ethically lead the organization strategically, to strategically plan for the human resource needs of the organization, to grow and changing the organization to be agile, to manage the performance of the organization and to set up systems to fairly compensate and reward people and manage labour relations.
Managing Individuals is the focus of Section THREE. To effectively manage individuals requires understanding their uniqueness as well as their behavior, particularly within an organizational context. The right people need to be recruited and brought into the organization and lead to give of their best performance while ensuring their well-being.
Section FOUR focusses on Managing Workplace Relationships. Here managers need to understand and manage individuals and their diversity as a collective with groups and teams and be able to manage people across international borders.
The book concludes and identifies future trends relevant to managing people.
The final section provides case studies for readers to consider applying their knowledge and understanding.
The value of the book lies in it providing practical guidance on the effective management of people, including the legal and fair management of people and the required administration. Not only are there case scenarios and problem-type questions for practical application, but also useful and relevant HRM information management documents, policies and templates.
As with previous editions it has been written and designed in a user-friendly style and format. Chapters include features such as outcomes, definitions, activities, examples, note well and online resources for reference as well as practicing effective people management tasks. For instructors there are PowerPoint slides to support each chapter as well as multiple choice and true/false questions and additional learning tasks and online references.