About the Book
This comprehensive book is useful for Haryana SSC Recruitment Examination. This book included Previous Years Paper (Solved) & other Study Material. Detailed Answers have also been provided for the questions for Better Understanding of the Candidates. HSSC exam guide very useful for, Constable (Male & Female), CLERKS, Canal Patwari, Patwari, Gram Sachiv, Sub Inspector, Sub Divisional Clerk, Tracer, Veterinary Livestock Development Assistant, Staff Nurse, Multipurpose Health Worker (MPHW), Junior Engineer (Civil/Mechanical/Electrical), Assistant Revenue Clerk, Ziledar, Draftsman, Social Education and Panchayat Officer, Auditor, Inspector, Progress Assistant, Mandi Supervisor, Accountant, Auction Recorder, Statistical Assistant, Station Supervisor, Radiographer, Dietician, Laboratory Technicians, Storekeeper, Ophthalmic Assistant, Laboratory Attendant, Insect collector, Assistant Lineman, Foresters, Store Keeper, Restorer Junior Engineer (Civil), Water Pump Operator, Welfare Organiser, Supervisor Accountant, Assistant Secretary, Shift Attendant, Junior Coach Sports, Pharmacist, Forest Ranger, Network Supervisor, Surveyor, Sub Inspector (General Line/Audit), Investigator, Field Inspector (Store), Accountant 'C' Grade, Assistant, Stenographer, Accounts Clerk, Diesel Pump Clerk, Technical Assistant, LDC, UDC, Assistant Draftman, Forest Guard, Supervisor, Signaller, Storeman, Salesman, Lashkar, Junior Field Investigator, Industries Extension Officer, Driving Instructor, Manual Assistant, Compressor Operator, Junior Storekeeper, Junior Scientific Assistant, Library Clerk, Lab Assistant, Data Entry Operator, Planning Officer, Clerk-cum-Typist, Draftsman Planning, Welder Instructor, Carpenter Instructor, Workshop Calculation and Science Instructor, Moulder Instructor, Junior Engineer (Horticulture), Assistant Architect, Office Assistant, Sanitary Inspector, Computer Clerk, Company Commander, Platoon Commander, Havaldar Instructor, Computer Operator and Programming Assistant, Computer Instructor, Craft Instructor, Agriculture Inspector etc.
Table of Contents:
Model Paper (Solved); Haryana General Knowledge; Social Science; General Science; Mental Ability; Mathematics; English Language; Hindi Language; Objective General Knowledge