Does the FEAR of other people's judgment cripples you from doing what you actually love and stop you from expressing your true self?
Technology only amplifies who we truly are. In a world of instagram, facebook and twitter, we are constantly judged for every post which we put out there. People front their "good life" and spend hours on their photos to make themselves look like they're some supermodels.
What if...
You can stop fronting all the bullshit and start expressing your true self? What if you could truly tell yourself "I love you" and feel awesome about it? What if you could confidently say: "I am being me. F*** everyone else's opinions".
How to Be Yourself is not about complicated human psychology or mass studies research. It is about practicality. It is about having perspective on what is going on and truly appreciate, be grateful for, and love yourself.
"It takes nothing to join the crowd. It takes everything to stand alone" - Hans F Hansen
You can be yourself if you are ready to give the gift of your true self to other people.You are born in this world to do what you love, to say what you feel and to act however you love to. You are You. Do You.
Scroll Up Now To Get >>>> How to Be Yourself: 11 Mini Habits to Ignore the Naysayers, Rise Above Social Anxiety and Build Meaningful Relationships
Charlie Munger, the vice president of Berkshire Hathaway, wisely said: "To get what you want, you have to deserve what you want". What's your deserving factor? How much of your time are you reading and putting in the work to deserve what you want?
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