Stop Dieting, and Start Living again.An epidemic of nutrition confusion has swept health consumers. There's one thing this confusion has in common: its subject is what we're eating, and not how we're eating. The Paleo Diet for instance, a misnomer in the first place, told you that we used to eat certain foods for optimal health. But did it tell you that being obsessed with nutrition facts and carbohydrates is not a Paleolithic-era-human trait? And that the side effects of this trait include malnutrition, hypothyroidism, and other severe health consequences?
The overthinking, hyper-logical approach to nutrition peddled by diet manufacturers has gone too far. Consumers are addicted now not to junk food, but to diets. One thing they never learned, was that how we eat is as ancient as the foods we are supposedly "designed" to eat. Without learning how to eat intuitively, we will fail to seamlessly integrate appetitive cues to achieve optimal health, falling short of our initial goal. This is the irony of the eating disorder of the age of nutrition confusion: orthorexia nervosa.
Unlike other approaches to intuitive eating and finding food freedom, How You're Meant to Eat isn't about giving up on health, nor is it just about nutrition. It's about approaching food, and life, from a completely different angle than the dominant, logical one we're used to, trusting that you can follow your gut to decide what to eat, in order to achieve an optimal state of homeostasis. And once you do this, you can start living again, free from the tormenting thoughts about what foods are ideal for longevity, cancer, and other diseases you shouldn't be worrying about.
Health is state free from worrying about health in the first place. Anxiety, fear, and confusion about what to eat is not found among healthy humans. It is only found among disturbed humans, or manufactured by businessmen for material gain, just like the medical industry, which manufactures fear and anxiety for profit. After you read this book, you will free yourself from self-esteem issues and toxic ideologies that have no place in the discussion of how to be healthy.
How You're Meant to Eat is divided into three parts. The first part unlearns nutrition science, the second part defines intuition, and the third part teaches you a new paradigm that will change your eating decisions forever. Inside this book, you will learn:
Inside this book, you will learn:
- Why studying nutrition science is a waste of your time and mental energy
- How to eliminate fears about "unhealthy" foods
- The difference between intuitive eating, and "eating whatever you want."
- "Energies" of foods, based on Ayurveda, and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
- Practical steps on applying intuition to your eating decisions, as well as all other decisions in your life, including exercise habits.
- 9 exercthat will awaken and activate your intuition
- Two individualized plans to apply these techniques to your life
This book has the power to change your diet-and your life-forever, but you must be ready to unlearn dieting behaviors and commit to beating your eating disorder. I can't wait for you to begin applying these changes to your life. Do not hesitate any longer. A new paradigm awaits you.