How To Win Friends By Appreciating People
Here is your Guide for a Good Life. Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is a world famous, strenght based, life giving practice. Originally seen and applied as a method for organizational change and development, AI has so much more to offer. AI embodies diversity and inclusion in action. AI helps you to prepare and experience highly constructive conversations: the soil for flourishing relationships. Practicing AI will nourish and grow your positive core, sharpens your self-awareness as well as your sensitivity for new possibilities. With this pocket guide, written by life-time practitioner Cees Hoogendijk, you can fuel yourself with daily practices. Keep on practicing and AI will gradually make you feel more free and independent. Pick your selection out of more than hundred small stories, examples and exercises. When you smile at the world, the world smiles back. The same happens with the art of appreciation.
Enriching Relationships Within Everyone's Reach?
We've come a long way since David Cooperrider invited himself to Cleveland Hospital, to study their organization, and for this surprisingly asked 'unusual' questions like: "What works well here? What are you most proud of? What does patient care look like at its best?" The effect of his appreciative inquiry was even more surprising: the focus on strengthening experiences generated an increase of strength! By now, Appreciative Inquiry is acknowledged as much more than a powerful life-giving organization development method, facilitated by experts. The heart of the practice combines the idea of unlimited human potential with a practical approach to ignite connective, innovative and actionable conversations. Are you eager to enhance your communication? Anyone can learn 'to be and to do AI'. Appreciative Inquiry is the world's #1 capability for contributing to social wellbeing: the cement of our civilization. This pocket guide provides quick and easy access to all relevant information for mastering AI yourself. The moment you start practicing, you will experience relational richness and create the space for flourishing friendships. Who will you uplift today?
Cees Hoogendijk (1959) is an internationally acclaimed creative thinking partner, process designer, facilitator, speaker and author, aiming for strengthening the human capability to connect, communicate and co-create in a generative, future forming way. Practicing Appreciative Inquiry since 2005 turned out to be a life changing experience, both professionally as personally. He dedicates his expertise preferably to social profit and not-for-profit organizations.
Appreciative Inquiry = Diversity + Inclusion in action
This pocket guide brings you the craft of Appreciative Inquiry through carefully collected and arranged narratives, enabling you to learn from experience more than theory, do-it-yourself, and bring you up to speed as soon as you start reading. Enjoy the journey.
Actually, if you Cees what makes AI so valuable, his answer has narrowed down to a nice little formula: "AI = D+I i.a." Since we are all unique, together we form a rich Diversity. What we need is to bring our best Inclusive behavior into action. Only then will we all benefit from our combined different qualities. Appreciative Inquiry is that skill. Do you like to make more friends?