About the Book
Book #1
"Personal Development is an Endless Process, So Each Goal Achieved Becomes the Starting Point for New Greater Ideas."
Today only, get this Kindle 2-in-1 book for just $26.99. Regularly priced at $44.99.
Read on your PC, Mac, smart phone, tablet or Kindle device. Have you ever had periods, when everything went swimmingly? When you become inspired and the whole Universe seemed to help you? Like you were picked up by a caring, tender wave flow, which carried you to the desired results? People came ready to solve your problems, and obstacles stayed just for a while and then disappeared step by step without any help... is such an experience familiar to you? "All successful people men and women are big dreamers. They imagine what their future could be, ideal in every respect, and then they work every day toward their distant vision, that goal or purpose." Here You Will Learn...
- How to Set Goals
- What You Should Stop Doing in Order to Achieve Perfection
- How Much Are You Committed to Your Goal
- Another Way of Achieving Goals is Self-Motivation
- How to Achieve the Established Goals with the Least Resistance
- BONUS! The Decision Making Formula (Complete collection - save $2.99)
- Much more!
Book #2
"If you love yourself, you love everybody else as you do yourself. As long as you love another person less than yourself, you will not succeed in loving yourself. Thus, he is the great righteous person who, loving himself, loves all others equally."
Many people ask this question. Why should you love yourself, if you can love children, parents, your job or your motherland? Moreover, in general: isn't this love for yourself just selfishness? Indeed, there is a highly thin line between love for yourself and narcissism, with right and wrong on both sides. An egoist is indifferent to what the others feel or need; he thinks only how to satisfy his fancies. However, the path of selfishness is the way to an abyss. Caprices keep heaping up, the sense of responsibility for what is happening vanishes, and over time the person loses touch with reality and understanding of cause-and-effect relations. It seems to him that the others are guilty of all his failures, and he blames the external factors, rather than himself. Here You Will Learn...
- Why to Love Yourself at All?
- What is Dangerous in the State of Dislike for Yourself?
- Why is it Important to Accept and Love Yourself?
- How to Understand that it's Time to Change the Attitude Towards Yourself?
- Bonus! - Learning the Level of Your Self-Esteem, Practical Exercises & Actions That Need to Be Performed Daily (Complete collection - save $2.99)
- Much more!
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Tags: i like myself, life loves you, confidence books, self esteem, self help, help yourself, love yourself, love yourself healthy, change your thoughts change your life, personal development, heal your body, love your life, self healing, self love, love living, dream, finding yourself, fear of failure, overcome, anxiety, goals psychology, how to enjoy life, burn your goals, tony robbins, tools of titans, how successful people win, employee goals, the unconscious mind
About the Author: Consultant psychologist, psychotherapist. Specializations: individual and family counseling, work with trauma, complex emotional (anxiety, panic) states, psychosomatic symptoms, the personality of the individual crises, twin and family relations; group therapy. Activities:
1. single counseling adults: one-time consultation on request, a short-term (maintenance) and long term (effective) treatment. 2. Work with pairs: one-time consultation, long-term emotional and focused therapy. 3. Group work: group therapy in the dynamic treatment groups focus group sessions, workshops, seminars. Directions:
- Development and strengthening of personal identity, increasing emotional awareness and self-esteem, develop practical skills of interpersonal communication; - Psychological support and support in trying personal living conditions, development of competencies of emotional literacy and self-support; - Group dynamic therapy focused on solving a broad range of personal and social problems, the development and strengthening of self-awareness, self-confidence, improve the quality of life.