Start a romantic relationship with yourself with this workbook for millennial women entrepreneurs
Your love for yourself is about to get bigger than you ever thought possible! In this conversational and life-transforming book, Yveslaure Goddess presents an easy, innovative blueprint that helps you enhance your love relationship with yourself in one week.
...Imagine yourself enjoying these 7 benefits in your life right now:
1} You KNOW who you truly are and you no longer question or edit yourself
2} You access your intuition at will to get specific guidance for any decisions you want to make and you trust yourself
3} You completely allow yourself to transform the world around you with your magic and message
4} You're taking massive, aligned actions every day to build your purpose-LED business while having lots of fun doing what you love
5} You easily manifest all the people, support and tools you need to make your projects successful pretty quickly
6} Even though there's a lot of momentum happening in your life, you still have plenty of time in your daily schedule for your hobbies, nap time, self-care or anything else you feel like doing
7} Your lifestyle matches your unique GODDESS energy and you're constantly manifesting joyful miracles that make your everyday life even more satisfying!
There's a level of happiness that is so high you can only experience it by being absolutely in love with yourself. The first time I experienced it myself my entire life improved so fast. It's beyond soul bliss. I just had to share this breakthrough with other women.
Start fresh at this moment with this book and unlock the 7 benefits of romanticizing your life today!