A quirky, smart comic which introduces an essential set of critical thinking skills that even the most reasonable reader will benefit from.
The world is a confusing place and every day there is more information we have to sort through. It pours endlessly from our screens, our leaders, our friends, and from posters taped to lamp-posts. Rebecca was overwhelmed and anxious in the face of this deluge until she found reasonableness. Unlike so many techniques and trinkets that promise empowerment, the critical thinking skills presented in How to be Reasonable will make you more confident, cautious, and effective - and maybe even happier.
How to be Reasonable (By Someone Who Tried Everything Else) encourages readers to embrace reason and evidence with a combination of clear, well-researched guidance, and witty asides. Fox's illustrative style and personal story enriches the experience and will evoke many wry smiles.
"This is one of the most reasonable, charming, useful -- and concise! -- guides to becoming a reasonable human you'll find. It's a tonic and a roadmap in these unreasonable times, and it will make you smile -- and think."
Carol Tavris, Social psychologist and co author of Mistakes Were Made (But Not By Me)
"How To Be Reasonable is an approachable, engaging, beautifully-illustrated and wonderfully-observed introduction to irrationality and what we can do to escape it. I loved it"
Michael Marshall, Skeptical activist, podcaster and cofounder of the Merseyside Skeptics Society.